Chapter Five

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Now that the action's out of the way, time to introduce a few more characters from Earth-38, and Oliver catches his team on Earth-1 up. I apologize if anyone seems out of character - I do not know the DC characters as well as I know those from Doctor Who or Marvel.

Bit of a longer chapter this time, guys. Enjoy!


Maggie whipped her car into the D.E.O. garage, shutting the siren off. She unlocked the car and got out, watching D.E.O. agents run over, a gurney with them, a few of them with lab coats on. "Where is she?" one of them asked.

"Here," Slade answered, exiting from the back of the car, Kara in his grasp.

"One wrong move with her, and no one else touches her until her sister gets here," Malcolm growled warningly.

The doctor nodded, and Slade carefully placed Kara on the gurney. He and Malcolm helped with pushing the gurney, Maggie jogging alongside them. "What happened to her?" the doctor asked, pulling out a tablet.

"What we know for sure, Kryptonite injections," Malcolm answered, letting Slade's steel gaze start memorizing the layout of the D.E.O. building. Several agents were staring in horror at Kara's limp form. "We also blew up a warehouse packed to the brim with Kryptonite. The scientists we saw had Kryptonite bracelets, and the soldiers had Kryptonite bullets."

"She hasn't woken up since we found her," Slade added.

"We'll get her under sun lamps right away," the doctor tapped something into her tablet. "We'll let you know when she starts to heal - "

"Oh, no," Malcolm shook his head instantly. "We're not leaving her."

The doctor narrowed her eyes. "Sir - "

"I would think that the people who saved her life would at least be able to stay with her," Maggie interrupted, eyeing both men. "Agent Danvers is on her way with the two others. Let them in."

The doctor narrowed her eyes. "The director isn't going to like that."

"We can handle the director," Maggie said sharply. "Supergirl doesn't have a lot of time. Either we all go, or you can explain to my fiancée why her sister hasn't gone under yet."

Apparently, that was a dire threat. The doctor paled slightly and nodded. "This way," she told Malcolm and Slade, going after the gurney.

They were heading towards the labs when they passed by what looked like the main command hub, complete with computers, monitors, and what appeared to be some sort of hologram table. As soon as Kara passed, one of the men working on the computers abruptly squawked and shot up like a bullet. "Oh, my God!" he ran over, eyes as wide as dinner plates. "Is that - "

"It's her," Maggie nodded, putting her hands on the man's shoulders. "Tell James if you want to, but this needs to be kept low right now. Alex should be here any minute, OK?"

"OK," he nodded, taking a few deep breaths. "Oh, my God . . . " After a moment, he pointed between Slade and Malcolm. "OK, what do I tell the boss about them?"

One of Malcolm's eyebrows shot up. "Not just a regular agent, I'm guessing?"

"No," Maggie shook her head. "Winn was the first friend Kara had at CatCo. He joined the D.E.O. about a year ago."

"Hi," Winn waved awkwardly.

"They're the ones who helped save Supergirl," Maggie added.

"They are?!" his eyes widened comically.

Further conversation, however, was cut off by a scream coming from the direction of the medbay. Both Malcolm and Slade were off in a second, faster than Maggie could see. "Hey!" she ran after them.

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