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These allergies are killing meeee
My head is pounding, and my nose has been stuffy. My eye hurts, and one of my knee's hurt for no reason. And my ear just suddenly started hurting.

So anyways, have a story~

Color Blind.

Soulmates; Everyone in this world has one.

How do they figure out their soulmates? Well, it's simple really. Every baby is born seeing only black and white, and when they interact with their soulmate (typically by a kiss), they see color.

Usually, soulmates find one another at grade seven. You do have a choice to ignore this, however, and date others. But they are still your soulmates. People say that our God chooses are soulmate, and if you choose not to go with them, it is a sin. Others say that it's the person’s choice.

Some people don't have soulmates, though. I know a few. Perhaps this is because they are on the other side of the world, or God chose them to be alone. This, I do not know.

Then, there's me. I am different from the others. Yes, it is I, Emily Davis. I am quite popular in my school, well, popular for being bullied. People are assholes though, so I just ignore them.

I am one of the very few that is actually color blind. My doctor told me less than five percent of the world ends up like me. You’d think people would pity me, but instead they think of me as some sort of monster, or some shit. Honestly, I don't really care. They're all dicks anyways.

Damnit. I keep swearing. Trust me, I don't mean to, it's just some bad habit of mine. My mother says it's unlady like, and it hurts her feelings when I swear. God, I really need to stop.. I'm sorry, mother.

Anyways, I keep going off topic. So, yeah, I'm bullied, in real life, and online. Who cares about bullies though? They only want to get to your head. Just ignore them, like I do.

When I get upset, I normally just talk to my friends.  Their names are Emma (my twin~) and Anastasiya.

Anastasiya is russian, who actually came from Russia. Pretty cool, if you ask me. She speaks good English too, better than me. We just call her Ana.

Emma has been my best friend since first grade. We always hang out, and wear the same kind of style, so we get mistaken for one another a lot. She has way longer hair than mine though. Also, her accent is different than mine.*

*She has a southern American accent, while I have a British accent from watching so many British shows.

So, yeah, I don't have anything else to say. To put it simple, I’m only writing this because I want to. This is my diary after all. Emma gave it to me, exclaiming I need to write more due to being an incredible writer. I know she is lying, though. I can't blame her; she just wants to make me feel better.

What am I doing currently, my wonderful diary? Well, I'm glad you asked! I am currently on the internet, glaring at every hate comment on my Rlbmut. Rlbmut is such a crazy name. The person who made it up was probably drunk or something.

Oh! I'm heading out to the movies with Emma and Anastasiya! It's going to be fun. Don’t forget to remind me, because I'll probably forget.

Who am I kidding, you're a diary!

-Emily K. Davis

Chapter One

Emily Davis sighed as she sat down her pencil. Rubbing her temples, she took out her phone. She texted her friend, telling her she would be late.

The female stood up, and walked to the bathroom. She glared at herself, silently hating everything about her. “Why couldn't you be a better daughter?” She always asked herself.

Emily rolled her eyes and opened her mother’s bedroom door slightly, so only a crack was in between the door and it's frame. “Mama? Are you awake?” She asked to hear silence.

She opened the door, worried that something might have happened. Luckily, she was just asleep. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. Sitting right next to her mother, the girl started at the older female. She could notice her heavy breathing. An I.V was connected to her mother’s arm. Why did this have to happen to her? Pity overfilled the girl’s body. “I'm sorry, Ma..” She whispered silently.

Suddenly, her phone started ringing. Jumping up, and quickly leaving the room, Emily answered her ringing phone.


“Emily! What happened, we were worried sick about you!” A female voice was heard on the other line.

“Wait, what..?” Emily asked, confused. She pulled her ear away from the phone, noticing the time. Oops...she fell asleep again.

“Oh..Sorry Emma, I fell asleep while watching over my mother.” Emily spoke with guilt.

“Your mother? What happened..? Are you sure everything’s alright, Emily?”

Emily paused for a second, before realizing. Shit. “Yeah, yeah! My mom was just busy working from night hours, so I was making sure she was okay!” She had just lied to her best friend easily.

“Oh, okay..Well, maybe we could reschedule? Me and Anastasiya just went to the park instead.”

“Yeah..” She mumbled, unable to bring enough courage to talk.

“Sunday, 3:00 P.M?”


I don't know if I'll finish this tho-

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