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This is a serious chapter, okay?

If you guys have not seen this already, I deleted all my accounts except this one.

It will be gone soon, however.


You guys know the password to this account, so by all means, reactivate it.

It'd be as if I always exsisted.

You could roleplay Flavia.

But you guys, all of you, never really cared about my roleplays, did you?

Future, you also know my Spain accounts. You can reactivate those too, if you want.

Marta, you know the Prussia passwors. Reactivate it if you really care about that account.


Sorry, I deleted the account you gave me.

The password is still the same, though. I never changed it.

Anyways..I've had this planned already, to delete all my accounts and leave eventually. I couldn't though, because of my love. However, since I am single know I don't find any reason why not.

I will miss all of you though.


I wrote goodbyes to all of you~


Mama Butterscotch, you were a great friend. You helped me when I was depressed, and we had fun talking (atleast I did). I will still always dislike UsUk though- There's no stopping me!


My friend.

My lover.

My life.

I don't know what else to say.

I am so upset that we had to break up. But I will still love you nevertheless.

Heh..Guess we didn't beat that six months we were going to beat.


Nathan..I had a great time roleplaying with you. You're the first to not leave me by myself in roleplays. I know sometimes you feel like dying, or you don't belong, and I never managed to help.. I am sorry for that. I wish I could help, truely. Try to look on the bright side, and always keep you head held high, alright?


I never got your name.. ^^'"

You were a great person to talk to, and I wish we could have talked more, but sadly we cannot. Keep being happy, okay? Also keep abusing fonts, it's amusing.


Hey! You! I'm still mad that you never told me your other account!


I still believe it's the one I guessed though.

I had fun roleplaying with you. Sadly, we haven't talked much lately. I wish we did.


Mom.. Thank you so much for all the talks we had. They seriously cheered me up. Your sense of humor is great, and I hope you stay happy.

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