I made a new species

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The name of these people are Draconians; they live on the land called Draco. 


These people worshiped dragons as if they were they gods (and that's what it felt like it to them) There are three main dragons:

Fire Dragon:

Main colors: Dark red, orange, and yellow

Main symbol: The Sun with a dragon infront of it

-Most popular and worshiped dragon

The fire dragon was known to be fierce and prideful; much like Zues.

Water Dragon:

Main colors: Blue, tan, and light blue

Main Symbol- An ocean with people on land

-Semi-popular, second most worshiped

The Water Dragon is the brianiac of the group. He and the fire dragon often have querrals with on another.

Storm Dragon:
Main colors: Purple, yellow dark blue

Main Symbol- Lightning in front of a grassy, dark plain.

-Very popular, and tied with water Dragon in worshipping

The Storm Dragon deals with all of the weather, and if often seen as the strongest and most feared.

Those are the three main dragons, but there are much, much more dragons that aren't a recgonized as much; Nature dragon, air dragon, ice dragon, ect.

The main dragons, just as well as other Draconians, can turn into humans. They actually live throughout Draco, but no one knows who they actually are.


There are three moons; a purple moon, a red moon, and a blue moon. These moons are the signal of what season it is.


The people of Draco are capable of turning into dragons themselves. However, the dragon itself is no where near as big as the main. They are as big as house cats. Even though the dragon may be small, after they turn back they end up extremely exhausted.  These dragons have three colors; one main color, and two side colors. These are the colors in their hair. The main color is most of their hair and there are a streak of each side color.

Draconians are chosen from a certain dragon. Most are of the main dragons, but there are still a decent amount from minor ones.

Since the Draconians are basically dragons, they live long. The typical Draco life is two centuries (while dragons are 5-6 centuries). They stop growing at the age of fifteen, but once they get to the end of their days, they start aging rapidly. Two years is one for them.

Family houses:

Family houses are grouped within the sections. There are three main houses for each dragon:





It is culture that the child mustn't be named until they are age five. They are named when their personality is revealed. Before they are named, they are called by the Family's house's surname.

A festival is held for the Main dragons during a certain time of year. When the moon changes to the next; that is when it is held.
When it us the warm season, they have a day for fire dragon.
When it is rainy season, they have a day for water Dragon.
When it is lightning season, they have a day for storm dragon.

These festivals are mandatory by all.


Legends are a major part of the Drocanians life; especially two of them.

One Legend says that if you are even to see a main (or minor) dragon, that means you are to be the next heir.
Since dragons do die, they get to choose their own heir to take their place.

Another speaks of beyond Draco. To go beyond Draco is forbid. Anyone who does, dies and never returnes. This Legend spoke of a man who did come back, and was killed by the Dragons as a sign not to go over the blue waves.


The Drocanians speak Drocanith. The language consist of 27 symbols that all have different pronounciations. The language is quite similar to English.

(This is all made by me, they are a closed species and place. If you wish to use these or draw them you must ask me first and mention me.)

These people are still in the making as I just created them today (like three hours ago-)

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