This is Real, Isn't It?

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Lux, 2200H. Lucifer retreated to the penthouse after an uneventful night. He didn't want any company at least tonight unless that company is a certain detective.

But who is he kidding? That certain detective is angry with him for pulling a dangerous stunt once again during their case. She yelled her head off and dismissed him, said something about a time out of sorts, like what is he? Twelve?

Normally, he would just show up and disregard whatever she said, because, at the end of the day, she's gonna put up with him no matter how dickish he seemed to be. Yet he gave her what she wanted, maybe to show her that he respected her enough, despite himself. This woman had really done him in.

A whooshing sound and a light thud shook him out of his reverie. He immediately knew who it was.

"Azrael, sister, to what to do I owe this pleasure?" Lucifer sounded unamused and did not even bothered to face her.
"Well, just dropping by to see how you're doing. How are you doing?"

He quirked an eyebrow and finally turned to her, glass in hand, their distance only separated by the bar.

"Fine." He answered, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Now, what is it you really want? Coz I'm not going back to hell if that's what you're after."

Azrael shook her head and spoke.

"Nah. I just want a drink. Pour me some?"


The devil pulled another glass.

"And I've brought something from the Silver City. Just think of it as a thank you gift for stopping a war. Nobody really wants that you know."

"Right. And what is that bizarre concoction?" He pointed at the gold canister.

"Something that would help you relax. Here, have a taste."

She snatched his glass and drank the remaining liquor, poured the contents of the canister about a half full, then handed it back to him. Lucifer's eyes wandered to the blue liquid in his glass, then back to his sister.

"Luci, it's not poison! I told you, it's a gift."

"Well, little sister, forgive me if I'm a tad suspicious. Everyone's out to get me after all."

"Not everyone. Come on, for old time's sake. Please? It's really good, I promise."

The devil sighed in frustration. He knew she wouldn't let him be if he didn't oblige. So he drank what Azrael brought him and suddenly felt lightheaded. A light thud was heard as he dropped to the floor.


Lucifer opened his eyes to the blinding light and the sound and vibration of someone jumping on the bed. His head was pounding but he shook it off and when he turned around, he saw a kid, about 3 or 4 years old, dark brown hair and green eyes jumping and yanking the covers. He was horrified, to say the least. Where was he, exactly?

"Alright, alright, we're up."


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