As Real As It Gets

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Mazikeen's delighted squeal was the highlight of her former master's night. Lucifer was astounded at his ex-bodyguard's demeanor over his children, that he almost forgot about his plight.

He may not look the part, but he did quite enjoy the family dinner, despite the unfortunate event earlier, and he's not even referring to the precinct fiasco.

When Maze heard of the precinct incident, she insisted rather forcefully that one night of torture is fitting. Lucifer approved. Chloe, not so much; babbled something about due process which did not sit well with the demon.

"No one , human or nonhuman alike, messes with this family." said the bounty hunter. "Come on Decker, let me at least take one finger."

Chloe shook her head.

"There will be no mutilation, Maze. He's gonna rot in prison, I made sure of it."

Not that the bounty hunter needed permission from her, but she thanked God that the demon at least considered.

"Ugh. You humans and your laws. Geez.", Maze sighed, "But let me tell you, if he so much as scratch these babes, there won't be any discussions. No one lays a hand on those little hellions."

The ex-bartender leaned back onto her chair and sipped her wine.

"Yes, thank you Mazey," Lucifer interjected "Not if I tore him apart first, that is."

Maze nodded in agreement.

"Of course. There's no better punishment coming from the Lord of Hell himself. You better let me watch."

She raised her glass at Lucifer, who smiled back deviously.


"Enough of this morbid talk."

Chloe could just imagine the scene if Maze were with them during that time. Maybe with the same end result, but think more of broken bones? Or worst. Maze had always been protective of her and the kids, sometimes more so than Lucifer.

The demon, she bet, would spoil her children rotten, coming in second from their dad. She cringed at the thought, but she did find it adorable. She doesn't need to worry about her kids' safety what with the actual Lord of Hell and Maze on their side. There's also Dan and Amenadiel, and the rest of her girl tribe, who happened to be godmothers to her children.

What a riot that would be.

And don't even get me started on the celestial godparents.

She shuddered.


Dinner ended, Maze and Amenadiel said their goodbyes, and even though Lucifer was itching to discuss, he chose not to tell her after all. He didn't lie, but he didn't tell the whole truth either, and maybe it's for the best. The old scratch didn't know how soon the glimpse is gonna end and quite frankly, he just wanted it to, but at the same time, wished it wouldn't.


Chloe tucked the kids in and proceeded to their bedroom where she found Lucifer deep in thoughts.

"Babe, what's wrong?" She sat down beside him and placed a hand over his.

"I'm over thinking," Not a lie he added mentally. "Tell me, how did we end up here?"

"Here? As in this place?"

"No, I mean, us, together."

"We've had our ups and downs, and we've argued a LOT. Even with all that, I'm sure that I am right where I belong, right where I'm meant to be, not because of some predetermined fate, but because I made a choice. Besides, I love you. You're awesome, sometimes, or often times incorrigible, but still awesome."

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