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The devil nodded.

"Listen, I know how exciting this must be for you, Detective, but don't you have better things to do?"

Chloe sighed.

Back to his old self, apparently.

"Are you kicking me out? Seriously?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that! Who's watching over your spawn?"

"Maze volunteered."

Lucifer let out a gasp. A rather fake one, Chloe thought.

"What did you do to her? Maze would never!"

"She's a friend, Lucifer. Friends help each other out. Now stop avoiding the question."

"Ugh. How about a wager, Detective? I promise not to leave the hospital, if you let me stay here, by myself until tomorrow."



"Can't leave you alone."


She crossed her arms, determined to stand her ground. Lucifer thought he was better off speaking to a wall.

"Very well, you little minx. Are you really going to watch me sleep, like a perv?"

Chloe couldn't help but roll her eyes at his utter ridiculousness. Although, she's glad he's okay. For a moment there, she thought she lost him. Weird as it sounds, but she couldn't imagine life without this arrogant, yet decent man.

"Shut up, Lucifer."

"Ugh. So demanding." He tried to close his eyes after he found a comfortable position, still a bit wary of the Detective by his bedside. He tossed and turned, tried staying still -- absolutely still, but he couldn't go back to sleep.

"This is not working!" He threw his hands in the air in utter frustration and sat up. "Detective, please. I really need you to ---"

Lucifer found his detective dozing off in the otherwise uncomfortable chair. He sighed. She most likely exhausted herself taking care of him.

What am I going to do with you, my dear Chloe?


The door to his private room opened and he turned his gaze to whomever it was.

"Nice to see you're awake, Dad." Lucifer breathed sharply, mouth agape, brows creased into a thousand folds.

"What the --"

"Yeah, Mom got worried and insisted we admit you."


"I know this is all confusing, it's probably the concussion. I mean, seriously, I don't know how you could've gotten that considering Mom wasn't with us that time." Lucian paused and shrugged, "Then again, the good thing is, you're okay."

The younger Morningstar's smile was reassuring.

"If you say so."

"Uh, let Mom sleep, okay? She was up all night and were in hysterics when she couldn't wake you. She was really terrifying in that state, I don't even want to talk about it."

Lucian shook his head at the memory. After putting in some extra notes, he closed his chart and bid his old man farewell, at least for the next few hours or so.

A sigh escaped Lucifer's lips that he just looked up at the ceiling, wondering how long it took for him to fall back into this 'dreamworld'. All he remembered was bickering with Chloe about her refusal to leave him alone and how he couldn't go back to sleep right after.

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