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Wrote this months ago and just posting now. I wanted a happy ending :D


Lucifer walked the path to the Gates of Hell until he got stopped by Duma.

"You're not welcome here, Lucifer." He said and this earned him a smug grin from the Devil.

"Excuse me? I am the Lord of Hell."

"A new king has been chosen."

"Then I would like to challenge whoever dared to take the throne that's rightfully mine." Never in his entire existence that he'd wholeheartedly accept his fate as the King of the Underworld. He despised the title, despised what it made him become. But there was nothing else left except this. A painful reminder that after all this time, he's still and will always remain the Fallen one.

"You abdicated Lucifer. Or have you forgotten?"

"Even if I did, there's no one else fit to be the Lord of Hell. The Almighty said so Himself and has repeatedly rubbed on everyone's faces. So, brother, I suggest you step away or suffer the consequences."

"Lucifer, there's no need for violence."

Amenadiel landed in front of his brother.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to take you home."

"To Earth? I have no business going back there."

"You're right."

"Well, then, best be on your way back to the Silver City."

"Not without you."


"Chloe made quite the ruckus up there. Said something about not allowing you to sulk for eternity?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"What I'm saying is, she's waiting for you."

"I don't understand,"

"Just come with me, brother."


"Trust me."

Lucifer took his brother's hands and in a split second, they're standing outside Heaven's Gates.

"Welcome home, Lucifer."

"Is this some kind of trick? I would love to humor you, Amenadiel but I just don't have the energy. So many souls to punish, I must be on my way. I don't even know why I came with you up here."

"She's been waiting for you."

The Dark angel smiled at his younger brother as Chloe walked towards them.

"I can't believe that worked!" She tells Amenadiel excitedly while Lucifer could only stare. The spitfire that was his wife persuaded the old man.


"Hello, Lucifer. I've missed you. Why don't we catch up?" Chloe took his hand and intertwined with hers then started to lead him to the gates. She felt a hesitant pull while doing so that she had to stop in her tracks.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not allowed in Heaven. You know that."

"Not anymore. You belong here. With me. And someday our children will be here, too. Besides, I couldn't stand you sulking for eternity."

"What did you even do? The Old man never listens to anyone."

"Oh, I made him listen. Turns out I didn't need to do much because you've been pardoned a long time ago. He told me you wouldn't believe Him so he was waiting for someone you trust and love to tell you. Alright?"

"This is real, isn't it?"

"It is. Now come on. I'm dying for you to meet my Dad."

The couple entered the Silver City hand in hand, never to part again. 

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