In Between Realities

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After hours of contemplating, Lucifer finally decided to give his wife a call. He half expected her to at least wait for three rings before she picks up, but she picked up right away.

"Hi, babe. What's up?"

"I have a question," He began, making sure not to sound too concerned.

"Yeah?" She prodded.

"Are the kids, you know, afraid of something?"

"Yes. They're terrified of spiders." she paused, "And clowns."

"Ooh, I hate clowns." Lucifer chided. "What about, eh, say, supernatural beings? A ghost? Maze's real face?"

Chloe huffed and wondered why he was asking.

It's not like he didn't know.

"No. They adore Maze's face. It was weird and I'm still reeling from that by the way, why do you ask?"

"Nothing of utmost importance." The line went silent for a few seconds when Chloe spoke again.

"Oh no, you didn't." The detective stopped her task and had one hand on her hips. "Tell me you didn't."

"Whatever do you mean, Detective?" He feigned ignorance but he knew his wife would never let up. She's excellent at what she does.

"You showed them, didn't you?" Lucifer could practically hear her growl, it's good she won't be back for one more day.

"Eh..." He miffed. Growing impatient, she urged him to speak up.


"And? And what? You have to be specific, Detective."

"Were they spooked?"

"Who? Who got spooked?"

"If you don't drop this act Lucifer, I swear to your Dad, I'm gonna..."

"Ugh such a party pooper, you are." The devil interjected. "No, the offspring weren't frightened. They basically made fun of my face like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. Are they mental?"

Chloe facepalmed at his words and would've slapped him senseless if she were there.

"You're unbelievable."

"It stopped them from crying nonetheless, and I made them laugh. Win-win!"


"Wrong deity. We're okay, then?"

"I am just relieved that they didn't freak out, otherwise, I will kill you. They're angels, but also half-human. I'm serious, Lucifer. If they end up traumatized, you sir, are toast."

She warned as her voice dripped of mild irritation.

"Yes, yes. I solemnly swear not to scar them for life." He reassured, "Best get going, love. Must tend the spawn. I'll see you soon."

"Right." The detective rolled her eyes as her annoyance subsided upon hearing him say 'I love you'. How does he do that? Be obnoxious and charming at the same time?


After that rather exciting morning, the kids behaved for the rest of the day. Lucifer picked them up per schedule, went to the playground, did stuff that was so mundane.

The devil reduced to mundane things. Huh.

Lucifer shook his head at that, yet the corner of his mouth turned up. Perhaps it was contentment? He's not sure how much longer he'll be in this 'dream' state -- as he'd like to call it, but he planned to make the most out of it. As if he had anything better to do.

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