Reality Bites

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There was chaos in the precinct. How could a man with a high caliber rifle get past security? With full on gear too! It didn't make any sense.

Lucifer was about to comment on the incompetence of the cops in the vicinity until he realized why they were hesitant to shoot or tackle the man. The guy just removed the clip of a live hand grenade and threatened to blow himself up.

The devil could care less if the moron did, but they were too close to the fire.

"Stay right here, Chloe."

He barricaded them with a turned over table that was Chloe's desk. Clearly, she's pissed that all the paperwork were thrashed, although she's focused more on making sure the children were safe. The guy in question continued to babble about how life was unfair, etcetera, and the fallen angel was getting bored out of his head.

"What do you think you're doing?" She held Lucifer's hands in a vise grip as he tried to stand.

"Why, stopping the bad guy of course!" The devil stated a matter of factly.

"Did you forget about your mortality situation?"

"Then won't you indulge me by getting away with the spawn as far as possible?"

Chloe blinked and sighed.

"You know I would , but the gun toting dude shoots anything that moves, can't risk the kids"

"I will get his attention and you make a run for it!"
"It's not that simple, Lucifer. And I also don't want you to die."

Lucifer groaned. While he appreciated greatly that the woman loved him as much (or at least cared about him), he's itching to get his hands on the rampaging idiot and mentally torture him for the rest of his bleak existence.

A brilliant idea suddenly came to mind and instead of charging like a raging bull, he placed his palms together and muttered a silent prayer.

Everything slowed down to a crawl as Amenadiel announced his presence.

Ahh, must he always put on a show every. single. time?

"Yes, Luci?" The first born angel stood tall and crossed his arms.

"Well, brother," He paused and stood up, rearranged his suit and started stating the obvious. "As you can see, we are in a little bit of a situation here."

Amenadiel looked around and saw the man Lucifer had set his eyes on.

"Oh. Well, say no more." The angel flashed a smile at his brother as well to the little ones.

"Wh..?" Lucifer failed to notice that his children weren't caught up in his brother's time-stopping shenanigan.

"You seem genuinely surprised, Luci. Of course they won't be affected. They're half angels."

"Uh huh."

Seeing the children confused, what with their mother being in a frozen state, he bent down and ruffled his children's hair to reassure them.

"Mommy's fine, offspring. Now, be good little angels and hang on to her while Daddy takes care of something, understood?"

He paused and waited for an answer.

"Of course not. Just...stay, okay?" The older child nodded.

Lucifer turned back to Amenadiel who asked, "So, should I just knock that dude down or...?"

"I'll do it. Mind the kids." The devil offered.

"Sure. But come back to the same position after. Best avoid inexplicable circumstances."

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