Real Deal

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The Detective's eyelids cracked open. She waited for her vision to clear and managed a small upturn of her lips when she met his inquisitive stare. How long had he been watching her?

"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"I have something to tell you."

The blonde straightened up, not once removing eye contact with the civilian consultant who seemed too serious for her liking. She clasped her hands and placed them on her knees in anticipation.


The detective replied meekly and tried her best to stifle a yawn. She was tired to the bone and yet here she was, looking after her partner and listening to his rants. Truth be told, she preferred the gleeful consultant than this brooding man.

Lucifer drew in a long breath and thought of his words very carefully. He had to do something now. He just had to. He was certain she'd definitely resent him once he shows her his real face.

So best end it, right here and now.

"Whatever it is between us, is never going to work out."

Chloe's poker face was impeccable. He waited for that crinkle between her brows or the occasional eye roll she sported whenever she found him... what's the word? Ridiculous? Obnoxious? Profound?

"Obviously, you're still out of it." She blurted out and waved a dismissive hand instead as she tried to hide the look of hurt in her eyes by quickly looking away.

He wouldn't let up though. Hardheaded and adamant, he pressed on.

"Listen to me, Detective. I meant it when I told you that you deserved someone better and that I'm not worthy."

Chloe's mouth formed into a thin line as she leered at him and responded in a slightly higher tone.

There it is, that scowl.

"Who decided that you're not worthy?"

"I did."

"Uh huh." The blonde's brows shot up in displeasure. "Shouldn't I be the one judging that? I know you, Lucifer."

But the stubborn devil missed the whole point entirely.

"I'm afraid you really don't."

"Believe me, I know you. Don't you trust your partner?" She reached out and placed a hand over his.

"I trust you , I..." He stammered. The devil wondered why she's even trying to convince him.

"Then take it back." Chloe crossed her arms and spoke again. "You are worthy, Lucifer. You are worth it. Anyone who says otherwise will answer to me, got it?"

How he loved her conviction and persuasiveness! She didn't miss the slight curve of his lips like he was about to give her a knowing smirk.

For a moment, he wanted to relent, give in, whatever the outcome. Yet, his face fell blank once more when he briefly closed his eyes and huffed, letting his devil form surface.

He was expecting a scream or at least a gasp, but the blonde remained unfazed. She didn't even flinch at the mere sight of his hellish form. The gall of this woman to look the devil straight in the eye and make him break his stare.

Although Chloe may be faking it .

Lucifer thought, police training and all. Regardless, she's definitely a hard ass to the core. But for how long?

"This is who I am, Detective." He could not contain the sorrow in his voice when he shifted back to his human facade. "Now you know."

A beat.

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