A beginning

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This chapter is so you can learn the characters I have added.

This chapter is so you can learn the characters I have added

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Name: Angel Aurora Wyatt

Age: 16

Talents: Martial Arts, Skateboarding, surfing, hacking, tracking,

Personality: She is very bubbly but very much a tom boy. Give her a dress and it will disappear{ Forewarning Alice}

Description: The one thing Angel would never tell anyone was that after her and her father were in a car crash which resulted in his death, she has been able to do things.... She was able to make things move with her mind.

Since that crash her eyes also changed. Since the crashed her eyes were a deeper and brighter blue then ever. It is what people notice first and some are more afraid then anything.

 It is what people notice first and some are more afraid then anything

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Name: Matt and Cassie Wyatt

Description: Matt and Cassie were best friends and family to Marielle Angel's mother an thus were named godparents. But when they received the call their friend and beloved sister had been murdered an her daughter was now in danger they didn't hesitate to offer help. Being from Forks they knew the town was small and would probably be the last place anyone looked for Angel. Not to mention Matt was also on the police force.

 Not to mention Matt was also on the police force

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Name: Detective Colton James.

He was the officer assigned to protect Angel and he would do anything to help save her from the monster that killed her mother. The same monster that took his own family.

 The same monster that took his own family

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Name: Drew Cullen

Age: 19..... or is he?

Name: Tanner Blake McEwen

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Name: Tanner Blake McEwen

He is not your run of the mill bad boy but in fact a bad man. He is the reason for all of Angel's heart ache an he will stop at nothing to get her. Do not be fooled with his eyes they are his lure. They are the bait to pull his prey in.

Solid Strength {Emmett Cullen}Where stories live. Discover now