Hotel Jail

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

As i finally felt myself start to wake I felt that we were no longer in the car because we were not moving but I felt softness under me. With a sigh I opened my eyes and looked around the unfamiliar room. Where were we?

Getting up I fixed my clothing an left the room. I found Jasper and Alice sitting in the small living room with Bella sitting to the side.

"How long was I out?"

"A while. We figured you needed the rest."

Alice stood moving over and hugging me. "Well I'm heading down to get you guys something to eat."

As she left the room Bella stood and walked into the bedroom without a word. I moved over sitting with Jasper.

"Have you heard anything yet?"

"No but they will call us when they get a chance."

With a sigh I laid down sitting my head in Jasper's lap and curling into a ball. "I miss him Jasper. I hate I can't see him or be near him."

I felt Jasper run his fingers through my hair. "Do not worry you will be with Emmett again soon I promise."

"I know but I can't help the worry."

Alice came back in a platter in her hands. She sat it down on the table and moved over to me moving my hair out of my face. "You need to eat something Angel."

"But I don't want to."

"Please if you can eat maybe Bella will eat a little as well."

I sighed knowing I couldn't win an argument with her. Getting up I grabbed the platter and moved into the bedroom were Bella sat with a pillow in her arms as she stared at the wall.


She looked over and I could see the same worry I felt. Sitting the tray down I sat down and wrapped my arms around her.

"They will be okay. Our mates are strong."

"Are you not worried?"

"More then you know. But I have faith that this will work itself out."

She sighed an I moved to grab the food tray. "Come on Bella we must keep up our strength."

She ate slowly an I quickly ate before standing an gathering my clothes. "I'm going to shower real quick."


Biting my lip I went into the bathroom and turned on the water and letting the steam fill the room. Quickly undressing I stepped under the steam and closed my eyes as my mind ran through the last 24 hours. I can't believe everything that has happened. Why did the nomads has to pass through? I hated being away from my family. I missed Emmett more then anything and I missed Papa Carlisle and Mama Esme.

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