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Angel P.O.V

 The last bell had just rung and I grabbed my bag smiling to my friends before heading for the office thinking about my first day. Art class was funn we had to team up and Alice insisted to me my partner. We had fun making a collab portrait. But Gym was by far my favorite. Being my first day I was allowed to sit on the bleachers but I wasn't alone. Somehow Rosalie and Drew talked thier way out of gym and sat with me. I remembered asking if I could draw them. Wierd enough that made Rosalie smile and agreed if only I made them a copy. So I spent most of gym trying to concentrate on them. Quickly working on thier portrait promising I'd give it to them when it was finished.

Looking back at the gym I remembered my throat going dry at the sight of Emmet playing basketball. He had on Gym shorts and a tank, which showed off his muscles perfectly. I remembered having to work hard not to stair.

But History was fun because there was a substatute we were able to sit an talk. I found myself in the mist of the whole Cullen and Hale group pretty much talking. The first day ended up being not to bad.

As I entered the office I handed the elderly lady the form.

"Did you enjoy your first day sweetie?"

"Yes ma'am."

"good well you have a nice night and drive safe."

"Bye." I went to open the door when it was pulled open causing me to falter forward only getting stopped by a rock hard chest. With a gulp I looked up into golden eyes.


Emmet smiled "Whats the hurry."

"Oh nothing just heading home."

"Come on I'll walk you to your car."

"You don't have to."

"But I have to get your board remember. I have someone who can repair it."

"Awesome." He lead the way out of the school and he made our way to the parking lot.

"So you enjoying Fork's High?"

I smirked, "Yeah but there is some bad people."

"Really? Who's on your shit list.?"

I looked at him as serious as I could. "Your on my shit list!"

He stopped and gapped at me. "I..." I couldn't help it I busted out laughing causing many to look at me.

"I'm sorry Emmet I had to."

He gorlwed playfully. "Oh you think your funny hu?"

I knew I was in trouble without a second thought I squealed and started to run off. I dind't get far within a minute Emmett had caught me and threw mer over his shoulder.

"Emmett!" I could hear people laughing as I kicked my feet. How could he carry me so easily I wasn't exactly skinny or small. An his shoulder felt like solid stone.

"Put me down Emmett are you crazy?" I could hear him laughing as we got closer to the parking lot. I gave up knowing he wouldn't put me down. With a sigh I set my chin in my hand and waited.

I could hear his booming voice. "Hey guys."

I saw his sibling looking at us in shock. I knew the one who could help me. "Alice" I whinned "Emmett's mad I joked with him and now he won't put me down. Can you have him put me down please."

"Emmett put the poor girl down."

I could hear his sigh as he sat me down his hand over his head. "You wound me."

I stuck my tougue out at him as I opened my car putting my backpack inside." I'd love to stay and joke with you guys but I still have so much unpacking to do and so much setting up to do." Reaching in I grabbed my board and handed it to him. "An thank you for getting it fixed for me."

"No problem at all."

I waved at the others before smiling to Emmett as I got into my car and drove off heading home.

Getting there I see an unfamiliar car parked out front. I was nervous a moment before taking a deep breath and walking in. I could head Uncle Matt talking to someone. Yeah I am taking to calling him Uncle Matt and Aunt Cassie now.

"Angel come on in here!"

I walked in and smiled at the man. "Hi."


Matt smiled "Angel this is my boss Chied Swan."

"Oh your Bella's dad. I met her today."

"So first day?"

"Yep but it went good." I looked to Uncle Matt. "Uncle Matt I need the SUV tomorrow to go do some shopping for my room."

"Alright just be sure to drop your car off at the hospital so Cassie can get home."

"You got it." Grabbing a muffin off the counter I ran upstairs to my room and got to work unpacking most of my things. Taking out a notepad I began to make a list for the things I needed. Well I loved that Uncle mat but a 55" tv in here all I needed now was a stand of bookcase for my movies and games. Not to mention find someone who could hook it up. Maybe Uncle Matt or Colton could I had no experience with the stuff.


I turned and smiled "Hi Colton how are you?"

"I just come to tell you bye. The captain said I am needed back for a bit."


"They have a lead on Tanner and the faster I can catch the bastard the faster I know you are safe.... Just don't worry he said I could return in a week."

Getting up I ran and hugged him. I had grown close to Colton thinking of him as another Uncle. He found me after my mothers murder and he protected me. He had his arm broken by Tanner for protecting me.

"Just come back I don't want to be down an uncle."

He laughed "Don't worry. Heck once this Tanner stuff is done I may move here and work. This town seems very nice."

"Have a safe trip."

"You got it Angel wings." He kissed my forehead and left. With a sigh I got back to work moving all my clothes into the closet. Hum need to do a little more clothes shopping.'  Hearing Cassie hollar I ran downstair for dinner. Which was homemade pizza yum.

After dinner I went back upstairs getting cleaned up and dressed for bed. Tomorrow would be Saturday and I had the whole do to get confortable here. AN I was excited about it. Getting in bed I shut off the lights and plugged in my phone. As I turned over my phones charmed telling me I had a text.

Grabbing the phone confused. Who could be texting me no one had my number..... Oh no I just remembered I gave my number to one person..... Opening the text I read it and smiled it was just 4 words but so sweet.

 'Sweet Dreams Little Angel


 With a smile on my face I saved his number into my contacts before replying.

'Sweet Dreams Em      ~Angel'

With that I sat my phone down an turned on my side. With a smile on my face I drifted off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~Updated: Nov.21, 2017~~~~~~~~~~

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