The Surge

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Angel P.O.V

As the bell rang I grabbed my bag the rage still running through me. I contemplated going home. There was no way I could concentrate today. Ignoring Alice, Bella and Jasper I went out of the room and started to walk down the hall.


I ignored Edward as he tried to stop me walking by. As I neared the front I froze as a voice stopped me.

"So your boyfriend left hu? Finally was done with hanging out with a freak."

I turned an glared at Craig who stood with two of his friends smiling and laughing at me. I could feel the rage that I had tried to hold back finally come forward. I stalked toward him as he laughed.

"What you gonna to freak?" His buddies stood at his side.

I can feel the tingling heat go down my arm. It reminded me of when Tanner attacked an I threw him back. But my mind was zeroed on this prick in front of me. I watched as his glare left as his eyes widened.

"What's with your freaky eyes?" 

That was it! I slammed him against the wall throwing my fist at his face making sure I broke his nose before wrapping my hands around his throat. I saw his buddies move to hit me. I released one hand from Craig's throat making sure I hit both guys in the throat making them go to their knees. I glared at Craig as I lowered my voice to a growl.

"The only freak in this school is you who thinks it's cool to make others feel bad."

Suddenly cold hands grabbed my arms and I could feel someone trying to pull me away. I let the rage take over more and glared at Craig who seemed to be starting to have a hard time breathing. Suddenly another set of cold hands grabbed my arms and the two people tried to pull me back.

"Angel Wyatt!" I didn't listen as the principal came up.

Suddenly Alice was in front of me holding my shoulder. "Angel take a deep breath. You will really hurt someone if you don't. Your to kind of a soul to really hurt someone." I let my eyes drift to hers and I felt myself slowly start to calm down. "Come on Angel let him go."

With a deep breath I let Craig go as he gasped for air.That was when I started hearing the whispers. I could hear some of it. Some was good saying Craig finally got what he wanted and then I heard the bad the few calling me a monster and a freak.

 Some was good saying Craig finally got what he wanted and then I heard the bad the few calling me a monster and a freak

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My eyes scanned around as the Principal walked up. "Mr.Cullen you two can release her. Angel Wyatt you are to come with me. We are calling both your Uncle and Aunt and you will be suspended for 3 days."

I looked at the Principal. "Of course. I would be getting punished alone and he who started it walks off."

"Miss. Wyatt!"

"Yes sir." I followed the principal into the office and waited as he called both my uncle and aunt. I suddenly felt weird. I felt like my arms were like lead. What the heck happened? I then remembered what Aunt Cassie said this morning about surges. It was tied to our emotions and mine was so bad. Did it cause one? Oh god what did I do? Craig deserved a punch in the face but I could have really hurt him. Maybe it is a good thing Emmett is gone. I never wanted to hurt him. Maybe it would be better if I stayed away from anyone. 

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