Truth Revieled

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

As I pulled up to the house I froze. It was the house from my dreams. No way! Shutting off the car I got up stuffing the keys into my jacket. Taking a deep breath I looked toward the house.

"Here we go." I walked up the porch and knocked. It took a moment before the door opened.

"Hi Alice"

"Hey Angel." She smiled an grabbed my hand pulling me inside. "Come on in. Everyone is in the living room." She pulled me after her toward a side room.

When I saw everyone I blushed. "Sorry to come by unannounced."

A woman with long hair stood up." No problem dear. I'm Esme."

"Hi." I felt to akward, that is until my eyes landed on Emmett.

I felt the mark on my chest tingle slightly.

Dr.Cullen stood "How can we help you Angel?"

I sighed "There is something I need to tell you."

"Come sit."

"Thanks Dr.Cullen."

"Carlisle." I sat on the chair indicated an started to twist my hands.

"I'm unsure how to start."

"You can start with that letter!"

Alice growled. "Emmett!"

"No I want to know. Why?"

"Because I had no control over the surges. An with the intense training Uncle Matt put me through he said I now have better control... Not complete control but better."

Carlisle frowned."Surges?"

I sighed looking at my hand scared. "I'm...... I'm not human."

There was a silence an that scared me more then anything.

"Then what are you?" I didn't look up afraid.

Cold hands covered mine I looked up to see Carlisle and Esme smiling. "You can tell us."

I sighed. "I'm what Uncle Matt calls a Sekkari. I am not 100% sure what it truly is. But what I know is we are beings with special abilities."


"Uncle Matt could take one look at you an know everything. Aunt Cassie can shape shift into birds."

"And you?"

I held out my hand an a crystal rose moved from the other side of the room into my hands. "Apparently telekinesis is my power. Uncle Matt said my mother's power passed to me but I have yet to figure out what that is."

Carlisle looked at his family an nodded. All eyes went to Emmett who swallowed.

"Angel." I looked up at him." You have trusted us with your secret. no we will trust you with ours."

I tilted my head. "Does this explain you eyes changing color? Or why your skin sparkle in the sun?"

Everyone looked surprise. "How?"

I thought about the dream I had unsure how to voice it.

"A dream?"

My eyes shot to Edward shocked, 'Did he just read my mind.' I saw him nod.

Emmett sighed. "There is no easy way to tell you, but here it goes." He paused a moment before looking at Angel. "We're vampires."

I was surprised but I knew there was something about them.

"Are you not afraid?"

I looked at Jasper. "No. Should I be?"

Emmett leaned forward. "We could hurt you... Hell I have hurt you."

"Emmett a small bruise is nothing. It's already gone. Besides if you guys were going to 'hurt me' you would have already."

Alice laughed coming over an hugging me "Why don't you show us what you've been learning."

"Alice you can't ask...."

I interrupted Emmett. "No.... No it's fine."I smirked. "I'll show you my abilities if you show me yours."

Everyone laughed as Alice grabbed my arm taking me outside. I saw Carlisle and Esme sit on the porch as the others stood near me.

"Wait I want to try and guess." When they nodded I continued." Well I know Edward can read minds." I looked at Carlisle and Esme. " I get such a motherly feel from Esme. So is your gift compassion and love?"

Esme's smiled widened "Yes."

I looked at Carlisle. "An you being a doctor an being around blood must be excellent control."

"That is correct."

"Question though. All legends about vampires sat they have blood red eyes. Is that true?"

"Yes for those on a diet of human blood. But we consider ourselves vegetarians we live off the blood of animals. That is why our eyes are gold."


Alice was bouncing in place."Continue."

I laughed. " I would say yours was spunk but I figured it out already. Though I don't know how seeing the future works. I mean is it set events or is it selective?"

"Selective due to someones choice."

"As for the others I don't know."

Alice smiled "Well Rosalie is beauty, Jasper can sense and change emotions, Drew can understand and speak any language, and Emmett is strong."

I smirked at Emmett." Really? An here I thought he was the wimp of the family."

Everyone laughed as Emmett playfully growled. "Why you little imp." Emmett lunged at me.

With a squeak I jumped 15 feet into the nearest tree.


I laughed "I forgot to mention I'm stronger, faster, and more agile then any human. Maybe about even with a vampire."

Everyone looked up Emmett smirking. "Prove it."

I chuckled before leaping from tree to tree using the training and cloaking my presence. I knew Edward knew where I was, reading my mind an all.

I smirked as I landed on the tree above Emmett . Without a second thought I leaped down and landed on his back.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

"Angel." I looked over an noticed only Alice and Emmett remained outside.

"Yes Alice."

"Your uncle and Aunt will be here in a few minutes."

"Thanks Alice." She went back inside.

I sat my chin on Emmett shoulder. "Can we not stay away from each other now?"

Emmett chuckled. "I never want you to leave my sight."

I slid off his back an stood in front of him my hand resting on his chest. "Emmett I know we just met but somehow in that short time I developed strong feeling for you."

His hand came up to brush my cheek. "I shouldn't have feeling for you but I do."

I looked up into his golden eyes as smiled softly. "Are you mad we have feelings?"

His eyes burned into mine as he answered. "No." As his head start to lower I smirked and with my strength pushed him against the tree causing him to grunt.

Leaning against his chest I pressed my lips to his as his hands curled around my wait pulling me closer.

~~~~~~~~~Nov 28, 2017~~~~~~~~

Solid Strength {Emmett Cullen}Where stories live. Discover now