Field Trip

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Angel P

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Angel P.O.V

I sighed shifting under the blankets getting comfortable again.But as I felt someone shake my shoulder I groaned. The cold hand gave me an idea of who it could be but the voice that followed surprised me.

"Angel! Come on sweetie time to get up. "

I groaned again. "Five more minutes Carlisle."

I heard him chuckle. "Just be glad it was me waking you. Emmett or Alice would throw you out of bed. But come on you can sleep on the bus like everyone else is likely to do."

With another sigh I sat up looking up at Carlisle with a smile. "Thanks Carlisle."

He smiled "Esme will have something for you before you leave."

"Tell her she doesn't have to."

"Nonsense she enjoys it." With that he left.

Getting up with a stretch I grabbed my clothes from the bag in the corner and going into the attached bathroom I quickly showers and brushed my teeth before getting dressed.

Getting up with a stretch I grabbed my clothes from the bag in the corner and going into the attached bathroom I quickly showers and brushed my teeth before getting dressed

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After getting dressed I grabbed my backpack and stuffed the two throw blankets inside. Heading downstairs I found Esme in the kitchen putting what looked like muffins in a ziploc bag.

"Morning Esme."

"Morning Angel."

"Where are the others?"

"Don't worry they will...." The laughter from outside stopped her. "They had went hunting and now their back."

Emmett walked in and walked right to me wrapping me up in his arms. I sighed and relaxed into his embrace.

"Morning my beautiful Angel."

"Morning Teddy bear."

"Teddy bear!" I looked over at Jasper and Edward who were trying not to laugh. 

Esme finished filling the bag before smiling as she handed to me. "Here are some muffins for you and Bella in case you get hungry in a bit."

I couldn't help it I hugged Esme and kissed her cheek. "Thanks Mama Esme."

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