Family Talk

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Emmett P

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Emmett P.O.V

I walked into the living room to see Carlisle, my brothers and Angel's uncle.

"Have a seat son."

I sat across from Matt keeping eye contact. His eyes looked so much Angel's. I knew he was using his powers on me.

"You and I need to have a little talk Emmett."


"What are your intentions with my niece?"

I looked to Carlisle silently asking if I could tell the truth. At Carlisle's nod I turned back to Matt.

"She's my mate. I want nothing but for her to be happy , safe, and protected."

Matt's brow raised before scanning the room." Why is it you and your mind reading brother recently found your mate?"

Carlisle answered. "To find a mate for our kind is not common an some what rare."

"Then how did you find each other."

"I was alone for many years before finding my mate."

"Have you always denied human blood?"

I could see Carlisle was slightly impressed with Matt's observation before it was taken by guilt."No in the beginning I had to feed on people but I hated myself for causing someone such pain. I experimented with hunting animals surprised it helped. So I kept that way and started helping people instead."

I watched Matt's eyes scan everyone. "But you changed everyone here..... But young Jasper and Alice."

"Yes. I was first to my coven. As a doctor  I came across Edward who was close to death. I asked him if he wanted to live before changing him. I don't want to make anyone live this life if they had another option.  Then I found Esme my mate. She had been presumed dead but I could still hear a heartbeat. I changed her. Same for Rose she was found near death. But Emmett and Drew."

I interrupted Carlisle. "Mr and Drew have been friends since we were small kids. We were out camping when we were mauled by a giant bear. A nomad smelled out blood an came wanting to finish us off but my amazing sister Rosalie saved us, before bringing us to Carlisle who changed us."

Carlisle smiled "Alice and Jasper found us one day joining our family."

Matt looked around smiling when Cassie joined him. "This really is a big family."

I had to laugh." Yep and I'm the favorite." That had everyone laughing.

Alice bounced down the stairs looking at Matt and Cassie ." May I run to your house an get Angel some clothes for tomorrow?"

Cassie smiled "Sure be sure to grab her a couple of throw blankets.As early as you guys are leaving she may sleep on the bus."

"Okay." With that Alice raced out.


I saw her uncle glaring at me. "Yes sir."

"I need your word that tomorrow Angel won't leave your side.... Well you or young Jasper. Because you two are the only ones that can calm her down if there is a problems."

"Yes sir."

Alice returned setting Angel's bag beside me before sitting with Jasper.

Cassie stood. "Well Carlisle, Esme we trust you'll look after out girl." At their nod she turned to Matt. "An we need to organize the clan meeting."

"Fine but make sure Dax leaves the Draakul's out of this. He has no right to know."

Cassie sighed "I know. I don't want him around either."

Matt frowned looking at Edward. "An you don't say anything to Angel about what you're seeing in our heads."

I had to know. "Who is he?"

"Someone who could hurt Angel, and I don't mean just physically. There is a chance he could destroy her heart and mind."

My eyes narrowed "Then he won't get near her."

Matt nodded before standing. "We will take our leave. Now like Cassie said Angel may sleep through the night. But she may wake up hungry."

Esme smiled "Don't worry she will be taken care of."

Matt smiled before shaking my hand. "I thank you again young man for what you have done for Angel."

I laughed. "Young man! I think I am older then you Mr. Wyatt."

Matt laughed as Cassie smirked. "Actually your a baby."

That confused me and I could see the same confusion on the others face. Carlisle frowned "Your older then you look?"

"Yes.... Carlisle may I ask how old you are?"

"I'm over 300."

Cassie smiled. "Babies all of them."

Matt laughed. "I am over 500 years old myself. Cassie here is just hit 400."

I looked up shocked. "Does that mean Angel is immortal?"

Cassie smile "Sort of. You see a Sekkari has the option of a normal life of human years or longer. Many  of our kind actually live for at least 200 years before deciding they want grow old."

Matt took his wife's hand. "Well Cullen clan we wish you the best of a night." With that we watched them leave.

I got up and grabbed Angel's bag. "I'm gonna go sit this in the room before I go hunting."

Jasper stood. "I'll go as well. She may not carry a scent but I rather be careful."

With a nod I walked upstairs and into my room. Stopping short I caught myself smiling. Angel looked so peaceful in my bed sleeping. Her beautiful hair spilling out around her. Going over to the couch I sat her bag down before walked to her side. Leaning down I kissed her forehead before whispering "sweet dreams sweetheart."

Leaving the room I went back downstairs to see not only Jasper but Drew and Carlisle. "Really a guys day! All we are missing is Edward."

Carlisle laughed "He went to see Bella."

"Alright lets go."

Leading the way we raced deep into the woods well into another territory before we started to hunt. Me I found me a juicy grizzly bear as the others feed on deer or mountain lions. 

As we headed back Carlisle racing ahead leaving me with my brothers. I knew they wanted to talk. 

Jasper was first to break the silence. "So what do you think of everything that has happened?"

"It has been strange. Finding out my girlfriend who I thought was human isn't and a badass to boot. Then to have her pass out after kissing her being told by her family that she bonded with me, then learning that she could be immortal without being a vampire..... I don't know really how to feel it is just crazy."

This caused us all to laugh.

~Time Skip~

That night I had just finished cleaning up a mess I had made while wrestling with Drew when I heard something from my room. Getting up I walked upstairs to see Angel sitting up on the bed...


~~~~~~~~~Nov. 28, 2017~~~~~~~~~~~

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