Family Dinner

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After parking in the garage I went inside smiling at Uncle Matt and Aunt Cassie.


Matt hugged me "How was your day?"

"Oh it was good got a possible job an made some friends."

"Job? Where?"

"It's the feed shop on the edge of La Push. Mr. Clearwater asked me to come Tuesday to try out."

Aunt Cassie smiled "An the friends?"

"Emily, Sam ,Paul, and Jarod."

I saw Matt look stunned "Sam Uley?"

"Yeah. Why is that a problem?"

He was quick to answer "No.... No it is just that he an his group keep to themselves."

I knew that was a lie . "Uncle Matt  I know that's not the truth."

Aunt Cassie sat down plates in front of us before sitting."Matt it's time."

"She's not of age."

"She hasn't the choice Tanner took that from her."

I was confused."What are you talking about?"

Matt sighed "Angel have you ever been able  to do something you can't quite explain."

"You mean my telekinesis."

He looked surprised "How?"

"How do you think I escaped Tanner. When I watched him kill mom something changes I felt different. As he came at me with the knife I threw my hands out sending him flying back. Since then I've been practicing. Though there are times it is so powerful it startles me."

"Like tossing 3 drink men back."

I looked at Aunt Cassie. "How?"

"My Power. I can transform into a bird. I saw what happened."

I didn't really know how to feel other then thankful I wasn't alone. "So you have powers to?" I looked at Uncle Matt.


"What can you do?"

I watched as Uncle Matt looked at me his eyes shining like mine. "I know that the store was in the woods what with the pollen on your shirt. The sand on your shoes tell me you were at the beach but you didn't get sand on them till after you got wet. Then there is the slight redness to your cheek and nose caused by the wind. So you were in strong wind. The your clothes are wrinkled as if out of a dryer but not washed so therefore your clothes were wet an got dried. There there is the little fact I know how those boys have fun... Cliff Diving Angel? Really?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "What are you a modern day Sherlock Holmes?"

He smiled "Why thank ya Watson."

"Who else is there?"

Uncle  Matt sighed "Tell you what since you are coming into your powers early how about  Friday we have a clan meeting."

"Clan? Who?"

Aunt Cassie smiled "Well my brothers and our cousin. Just wait you'll know more soon."

"Okay." Grabbing my fork I quickly ate my dinner before cleaning my plate.

"I'm heading up for a Lost Girl Marathon,"

"Alright need anything?"

"Nope thanks."

Running upstairs I quickly changed before grabbing a throw blanket. Settling down I turned on the TV an started Episode 1.

 Settling down I turned on the TV an started Episode 1

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~~~~~~~~~Updated: Nov.22, 2017~~~~~~~~

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