1. Welcome to Kong

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You are on a walk, cooling down from the intense fight you and your boyfriend had got in. You and your boyfriend used to be such a cute and loving couple, but it turns out that isn't the case anymore. You knew what happened, he got lazy and he began to drink. It caused problems between you two and it seemed like the both of you were hanging on a branch, maybe it was time one of you let go. You wrapped your arms around yourself to warm up from the harsh cold weather of Essex. You weren't able to grab anything like a coat or hat, you were so mad you stomped outside in just a long sleeve shirt and leggings.

A car slowed down beside you and slowly rolled as you walked. Your rolled your eyes knowing it was your boyfriend.

"(Y/N) get in the car now!" He yelled after you rolling down the window. You chose to ignore him, not to get a reaction but because you couldn't be bothered

"(Y/N) it's cold! Come home! (Y/N)!" He yelled again, his words almost slurred. He was drunk.

"No! No Cory, you're drunk. Talk to me when your sober because I'd rather be out here than be with you, okay? Get it?" You argued, not stopping nor quickening or slowing your pace. He cut the engine and grabbed the keys, he got out without closing the drivers door and followed you. You tried to run but he caught your arm before you could make two steps.

"(Y/N)" He sang. "Come home with me"

"Cory leave me alone, please let go" You whimpered. You could smell the heavy drink in his breath when he spoke. You tried to pull away but he grabbed your other arm and tightened his grip. You were scared, he sort of towered over you and he was drunk. There wasn't anyone walking or driving around to help you either.

"(Y/N) stop being like this! Stop acting like a brat and get in the goddamn car! You are being impossible!" He yelled beginning to drag you. You eyes began to water and you tried to pull back but he was much stronger than you were. You planted your feet on the ground and tried to pull back. It was a game of tug 'o' war but it was clear he was winning.

"Hey! Get off the girl!" A loud voice yelled. You both snapped your heads toward the voice. There were 4 people standing there, 3 guys and a young girl. The tall and big black man stepped up.

"Get. Off." He repeated.

"Mind yer own business fool. She's my girlfriend and she's coming home with me! Right boo?" He slurred, pulling you closer to the car.

"Aight man! If you don't let her go, imma have to beat your ass!" He glared, cracking his knuckles and stepping much closer this time. The 3 behind him stepping up with a glare on each of their faces.

"Ughh! Fine, take the whore then! I got a lot of drink at home to keep me company" He pushed you into one of the boys who caught you, and hugged you. You only wrapped your arms around the stranger, you cried into his chest, balling your fists in his jacket. You didn't even know the man and you were crying into his jacket as he had his arms wrapped around you. You may not have known these people but you were grateful that they had shown up when they did. You peeked out at Cory as he got into his car and drove off, giving the five of you a glare before he sped off. You let out a big sigh of relief, you unwrapped your arms from the stranger. You wiped the tears off your cheeks and under your eyes. You looked up into the man's eyes, well 'eyes'. He had two black voids, rather than eyes, which shocked you. You didn't care much though you weren't one to judge, especially since the guy was one of your saviours.

"Thank you" You choked out. He nodded and gave you a comforting smile.

"Yew alrigh' luv?" He asked in a thick cockney accent. His appearance was quite different, he had blue spiky hair and black voids for eyes, he was missing his two front teeth as well.

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