4. M&M's and Movies

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"Thanks Russel, I appreciate the help" You smiled, taking the bag from his hand.

"It's alrigh' babygirl" He returned the smile. You waved with your free hand and disappeared into the elevator. Heading to the third floor so you could settle in. The doors stopped at the second floor however, and you saw Noodle patiently waiting for the elevator. Wearing a casual outfit of a cute t-shirt and jeans. Her violet hair was still messy but it looked good, it wasn't knotty or anything.

"Konnichiwa! Hi (Y/n)!" She grinned.

"Hello Noodle!" You grinned back.

"Toochie?" She tilted her head at you. Oh right, you left 2D earlier. He wasn't downstairs though, maybe he was still sleeping.

"2D is in his room" You pointed to his door.

"Let's see him" She giggled taking your free hand and dragging you to his door. She was actually pretty strong for a 10 year old girl.

"Umm, no Noodle that's oka-" She pulled you into his room, it happened quick. One moment you are in the elevator and the next you both are staring at 2D's sleeping form.

"He's sleeping, we should probably wake him up, or he'll have a hard time falling asleep" You suggested and Noodle nodded. You dropped your bags against the wall, careful not to drop them too hard or from a high height.


You both shook him a little bit.


He turned around his eyes half open, half closed. His hair was a mess again but it looked like a good mess. Cute in a way. You mentally pushed those thoughts out of your head.

"It's 3 'o clock. Get up" You sat down on the edge of the bed, Noodle sitting in the same position across from you.

"Yewr back?" He asked sitting up.

"Yeah, got back like 5 minutes ago" You smiled.

"Yew shouldn't of left me, yew shouldn't of gone alone" He frowned and your smile faltered.

"I know I left you, but I didn't want to wake you up. It seemed like I was constantly asking you for things so I saved you the trouble. And I wasn't alone, Russel came with me" You assured him. You felt Noodle hop off the bed, leaving the room, like she felt an argument was about to happen.

"Don't dew that. I-I was worried about yew" He stuttered.

"I just thought I was a being a bother, but I promise, swear on my life, I will never make you worry like that again. Okay 2D?" You smiled grabbing his hand.

"Okay" His hand gripped yours tighter. "Know dat yew aren't a bother too, okay?"

You blushed. "Okay"

You let go of his hand, standing up from the bed and retrieving your bags.

"I-I'll be going to my room now" You stuttered. What's wrong with you? You never had a guy make you stutter before. Your face went red and you left his room, your heartbeat going a million miles an hour. What did he even say that made you react like that? Oh yeah

Know that you aren't a bother too, okay?

As he held your hand, and with the accent too. The adorable accent of his that you like so much. You made it to your room and began to settle in. You first wiped down all the furniture with a wet cloth, minus the bed. It seemed like no one has been in this room forever, it had collected dust and dirt overtime. You then placed your clothes inside the dresser and hung up a few things in the closet. You plugged your phone and laptop to charge, put your paint tools on the desk, makeup in the bathroom and you hung family portraits on the walls, and your parents wedding photo on the dresser. An hour had passed when you were finished, you were happy with your room, even though the walls needed to be painted again and maybe a change of carpet. The bathroom could get a new makeover as well but you didn't have that kind of money for renovations.

Too Real // 2D x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now