3. Greatest of All Time

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"Ready to go 2D?" I asked, stepping outside of the bathroom. He was sitting on the edge of the bed patiently waiting.

"Yeah" He said, nodding his head.

"Okay" I smiled. I ran my fingers through my hair a bit to let it air dry, it was still damp but at least it wasn't dripping wet. I opened my door, and left with 2D beside me.

"So, what's the band like?" You asked awkwardly. You didn't know why it was awkward but it was.

"Umm, et's cool. Ey like et" He answered just as awkward.

"What do you do?" This time you were more confident.

"I sing and play da keyboards. Murdoc plays da bass, Noodle is our guitarist and Russel is our drummer" He replied. The awkward tension was gone now and you were grateful for that.

"Nice. I'd like to hear your music sometime, I-I think your lyrics are great" You blushed. Why were you blushing? It was a simple compliment, one he probably receives all the time.

"Fanks" He blushed too and you both stepped into the elevator. Even if it was a simple thing, you shoulders were touching and it gave your body a tingly sensation. 2D pressed the second floor button and you descended.

"Yew said yew liked to paint? What dew yew paint?" He asked. You got this happy feeling inside, no one really bothers to ask about your work. People didn't think painting required a lot of effort. They claimed it was a hobby and not a skill. You were happy someone finally took an interest in what you loved to do.

"Everything. I paint anything, I paint people, landscapes, portraits. I love to paint things that don't even remotely make sense, I usually let my paintings be whatever the person wants it to be. It's such a beautiful thing and I wish people had more appreciation for it. A lot of people think it's a waste of time and that what other artists and I do, don't take effort or skill" I blushed after my rant. I knew I was a nerd for droning on about it.

"That's beautiful (Y/N). Ey want to see a paintin' of yours, if thats alrigh'" 2D smiled.

You smiled in return. "If you sing and play on the keyboards for me sometime"

"Deal" He grinned and you both stepped off the elevator. You both entered his room, you flopped on his bed and he went into the bathroom to shower. You didn't know how long he would be so you took a little nap. You curled into the blankets, facing the wall. You hugged the pillow and closed your eyes and let yourself slowly fall into a dreamless sleep.

*Timeskip of like 25 minutes*

"(Y/n)" You felt someone shake your shoulder a bit.

"Mffff" You meant to say 'what'.

"(Y/n) let's go" You felt the person shake you again.

"Stooop" You whined, lightly smacking the person's hand on your shoulder. You heard a chuckle, you realized it was 2D but kept quiet anyway. You were soo tired, maybe you should of slept longer this morning, instead of getting up so soon.

"(Y/n), get up" You felt 2D crawl on the bed but refused to move.

"Mffff, let me lay here. 5 minutes" You mumbled into the pillow. You were being rude, you were the one who wanted to leave and got you two ready to leave, now you didn't want to go anywhere. You would apologize later to 2D. You could feel 2D slide under the blankets, throwing them over you too. He had his back near yours and you could feel the warmth radiating off of it. It was tempting to press your back against his but he'd probably get uncomfortable and move away. Even though you wanted to fall asleep you grabbed his hand anyway.

Too Real // 2D x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now