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-Serinuma Kae's POV-

"Igarashi-kun, Nanashima-kun..... where's Shinomiya-kun and Mutsumi-senpai?" I asked my two favourite classmate. I still can't believe they're dating each other. It's unimaginable but, I'm happy...WAIT no, I'm ECSTATIC! COME ON FUJOSHIS AND FUDANSHIS AROUND THE WORLD!GET UP AND DANCE BECAUSE THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER HAPPEN!

"Shinomiya's at his nursing whatnot...." Nanashima said in reply. ".....and Mutsumi-senpai's at the infirmary...." Igarashi continued. See! They even finish each other's sentence!! How cute is that?! -SQUEAL-

"Infirmary. Why? Is he sick?" I worriedly asked. Nanashima and Igarashi exchanged glance with each other. " Not exactly. He has been going there a few times now..." Nanashima said with a shrug.

"A few times? What for?" I asked again. Both Igarashi and Nanashima shrugged." Hmm....probably to see Shinomiya.....I've seen them together a lot, lately. Weird but true....." Igarashi said.

As soon as I heard the word 'together', I jumped up to my feet, and stared at Igarashi, then to Nanashima. "TOGETHER YOU SAY?!" I asked loudly. A little bit more and I'll get a nosebleed!!

"Ye- yeah..... t-that's what I just said...." Igarashi stuttered. "Umm....can you calm down Serinuma?" He added quickly.

"NO WAY! That is legendary! A senpai-kouhai relationship is just too good to be true!" I said excitedly.

"Umm....Serinuma, before you get all dreamy and stain your homework with blood, why don't you calm down. I mean, we don't know for sure what's going on between them...." Nanashima chimed in.

"I thought the same thing with you guys before but look at you now! You're already dati__Umph?!?!"

Nanashima quickly placed his hand over my mouth to prevent me from saying anything else. Igarashi on the other hand, just sighed softly and shook his head slowly from left to right.

"Shhh!! Not so loud!!" Nanashima exclaimed. "We're umm....still trying to adapt to the whole.....umm..." he paused and nudged Igarashi, giving him the please-help-me-out-because-this-woman-is-crazy- look.

"....what Nana is trying to say is, we're not used to all this...lovey dovey stuff. We....don't even call ourselves girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever suits us. So.... what he's trying to tell you is, he's embarrassed when you point out that we're dating."

"Umm.....okay.....but why? Aren't you happy to be dating Igarashi?" I asked. Igarashi leaned closer towards us, interested in hearing Nanashima's opinion on their relationship.

"I...of course I'm happy....'s super embarrassing to say it out, I still need more time to adjust myself. B-b-but, forget about me and Igarashi for a second. Weren't we talking about Shinomiya and Mutsumi-senpai?"

"Oh yeah! It totally slip off my mind. Okay! I'm going to the infirmary for a while. See you two soon! Bye!" I said.

"Sure.....Good luck with er....whatever you're trying to do." Said Igarashi.

-Third person's POV-

The hardcore fujoshi female ran as fast as she can to the infirmary. She was on roll and on a mission! (Like literally, every hardcore fujoshi/fudanshi would do this if they had the chance. I personally, didn't encounter this yet but if i ever did....I'm UNSTOPPABLE!!! okay, let's get back to the story(゜-゜)

The female came to a halt when she spotted a tall figure walking next to a much shorter one. She ducked behind the nearest wall, tailing after them as slowly as she could.

{Kiss Him, Not Me} A Fujoshi's Fantasy (Yaoi/ Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now