Chapter 1

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Matthew's POV:

"12 Bacardi 151, 8 Flaming Lamborghini and 7 Blue Lagoon for table 6!" " 4 Bloody Mary, 9 Overdose and 11 Fire Breath for table 2!" Michael and Jeremy hollered over the music in union, making my ears hurt from all the loud noises. Scampering around, I filled the shot glasses quickly before placing on the trays for them as the walked back elegantly to the tables with the trays in hand easily. They're built so it's no wonder a tray of shots can be carried so easily.

Leaning back against the wall, I let out a sigh of relief as I watched the overpowering scene in front of me. I thought working here for 7 years will help me get used to seeing this sort of things but I can never seem to get use to it. Sweaty bodies grinding together on the dance floor, slender pole dancers sliding and twirling around poles as money is stuffed into their boxers, personal strip shows and lap dancing On my floor is where all normal stuffs are done. Walk out of the back door, take a turn and walk upstairs, that's where things get intense.

"Hey cutie. You avail?" I snapped out of it to see a very large and muscular man which towered over my 5'3 frame holding a hundred in front of me. Shaking my head immediately in fear, I showed him my red wristband which made him groan and leave immediately. Thank goodness. I love this band.

You may have guessed it by now, I'm currently working in a gay bar (women are allowed to enter if they want ) where anything can happen so the staffs are given bands if they asked for them

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You may have guessed it by now, I'm currently working in a gay bar (women are allowed to enter if they want ) where anything can happen so the staffs are given bands if they asked for them. If the staffs is not wearing one, he is alright to go all the way, aka sex and if the staff is wearing a green band, they are no no to sex but fine with the rest. As for me, I'm the only one with the red one which means I don't accept anything at all. I prefer to have my first time with my lover but I doubt I will ever find one.

"Dude! You rejected yet another one?! That's the tenth person asking for your ass and all are so fucking hot!" Kyle face-palmed hard as he took a seat in front of me.

Kyle ^

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Kyle ^

"I'm not interested. You can have them." He stared at my in disbelief as if I've grown another head.

"But did you see how much money they're offering?! You won't need to worry about money if you just have sex with them! I can't believe that you're gay yet you can stand standing here doing nothing, not even getting horny, when you watch all those scenes in front of your very own eyes! I'm fucking horny now even without watching them." Why did I even agree to be his friend? He's giving me a headache.

Yes, I'm gay, don't be so surprised and yes, I need money but I will not lose my dignity just for it.

"And look! Another is coming for you again!" He groaned loudly as another large man entered my line of vision, sending me a chill down my spine. He's covered in tattoos and smoking a blunt like him...

"$300. Upstairs, now." Shaking my head hastily, I showed him my wristband like always, making him snort unimpressed. "How about you? $300." He nudged Kyle after seeing that there's no band on his wrist.

"Sure. Let's go." Kyle shrugged as he pocketed the money before following him.

"Learn from him kid. You're no longer 10. Be a man and grow some balls." The spat out rudely before grabbing Kyle's ass as they walked away.

At least I have manners and not a asshole like you...

"Hey Matt, did you hear that the owner of this bar will be changed soon?" Really? I didn't know. I shook my head cluelessly as Joshua lifted himself onto the counter with ease. He wears a green band unlike Kyle.

"Yeah. I think we're changing bosses next week. I wonder if he's hot."

"Do you think that he'll change the rules?" And pay? I really hope that the pay does not drop. I can't afford having it to drop.

"It's unlikely but still possible. Depends on the owner I guess. I just hope he doesn't make me stop my pole dancing. It's really easy to make money. You sure you don't want to try?" He offered for the third time in the 7 years I've been here. Pole dancing? Almost naked? Large guys as audience?

"No thanks. I'll stick to bartending." Before he can reply, the audience are hooting for him to get back on stage and he did exactly as they wanted.

"3 shots of Firecracker please." A man slumped down onto a seat sluggishly as he massaged his temples.

"Here." I arranged them neatly in a row as the guy slipped me fifty.

"Thanks." He downed a glass before looking into my eyes with his chestnut coloured eyes. I felt myself getting lost in them only to wake up when he looked back down again.

His eyes are pretty...

After he finished his last shot, he grunted a 'thanks' again before walking out normally like the alcohol did not even affect him at all. That's a first.

"Here. You're pay for today." Rick, the owner of the bar, handed me an envelop as usual before the bar closes.

"Thanks boss." Counting $120 as usual, I cleaned the table before walking upstairs, not the rooms where they do the deeds but where the staffs sleep. Rick is kind enough to provide us with rooms as long as we do our job well. Climbing up my bunk, I hid the money under my pillow before falling asleep. I'll give the money to them tomorrow...

So ya, first chapter is up! I know it's not good but it will be better for the following chapters. This chapter is needed so as to better explain Matthew's life.

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