Chapter 33

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View from their onsen hotel^

* Their first day in Japan for their honeymoon*

Dylan's POV:

"Look Dylan!" Matthew exclaimed excitedly as he pointed at the Hakone Shrine

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"Look Dylan!" Matthew exclaimed excitedly as he pointed at the Hakone Shrine. Couples were exiting and entering as they chatted away lovingly. "I didn't know the cable car can bring us to somewhere so beautiful"

"Shall we explore?" He nodded enthusiastically before taking my hand in his and pulling me along behind him.

"Shall we explore?" He nodded enthusiastically before taking my hand in his and pulling me along behind him

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"Wow...this place is beautiful." He said in awe as he snapped away on his phone.

"Are you hungry?" He shook his head quickly but was interrupted by his growling stomach. It's not surprising. We've been walking for 4 hours straight. Chuckling, I handed him one of the yakisoba bread, we've bought earlier which he took gladly from me.

 Chuckling, I handed him one of the yakisoba bread, we've bought earlier which he took gladly from me

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"Thanks." He blushed slightly before taking a bite from his. "Woah! This is good! Here, try it Dylan." He stretched it out to me as he moaned at its flavour. That nice?

Taking a bite, the sweet sauce and light mayo filled my tastebuds. It's surprisingly delicious. It was weird to see noodles in a bun but Matthew wanted to try it so he bought two of them, which I'm glad he did. This is amazing.

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