Chapter 8

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QOTD: Do ya'll watch any animes? What's your favourite? I can't choose. I love all :P I've just finished watching Togainu No Chi and I'm currently watching Super Lovers. Both are awesome btw ;)

Dylan's POV:

Finally! I'm done

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Finally! I'm done. I stared proudly at my finished piece. Oh shoot! I left Caydon alone for three hours! Shit! I turned around swiftly to open the door but saw the two Matthews cuddling together. Caydon was sitting on Matthew's lap as they wrapped up the marshmallows and caramels.

Caydon leaned comfortably against Matthew's chest as Matthew rested his chin on his head, occasionally patting his head tenderly. They look so comfortable with each other's company.

Opening the door, Caydon spun around quickly with a bright smile before jumping off Matthew's lap and running towards me.

"Daddy look! Matthew taught me how to wrap it." He held up a nicely wrapped caramel sweet as Matthew smiled at his cuteness.

"Wow! Is that so? Matthew is really good right daddy?"

"Yup! He even taught me math! See!" He place the wrapped caramel in my hand first before taking his homework out of his bag and handing it over to me. I scanned through it quickly and was surprised to find them all correct. Caydon was never good in math.

"You've got it all correct Matt! I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks daddy! That's what Matty told me too." Wait, Matty? Isn't that the one who he was talking about before? The one who brought him back to school?

"You mean, he's the Matty you've been talking about?"

"Yes! I told you he's good daddy, you didn't believe me." He sighed out deeply while keeping his worksheet.

"Sorry love. I thought you were talking about someone else. But yes, Matty is good."

"I told you." He sassed as he place his hand on his hip. Since when did my baby become so sassy?

"Thanks Matthew, for bringing him back to school, teaching him math and keeping him accompanied."

"No problem, bo- Dylan. I love him. He's extremely adorable and kindhearted." He smiled in pure adoration as Caydon jumped back onto his lap and hugging him tightly, making him 'oof'.

This is such a surprise. When he first met Emily, he wouldn't even go near her and kept sticking with me. Even when Emily tempted him with ice-cream, he still resisted and ignored her. Only after endless tries by Emily and him slowly opening up then they became friends after a month. Note the words friends.

He didn't let her hug him like how he had allowed Matthew to and he is never the one to initiate a hug. It's always Emily who asked him to give her a hug, never him asking her or giving her a hug out of his own will.

"Where's the rest?"

"Oh, they went home already." So soon? Wait, it's freaking 10 already!

"Oh shit! Sorry! Here's your pay for today Matthew." I passed him an envelope with $150 inside which he took from me gratefully. I pay by per day, not per hour.

"Thank you Dylan. Then I shall get going now." He folded the envelope and kept it securely in his pocket. "Bye Dylan, bye Cade." He stood up to leave but got attacked by Caydon instead.

"No! Don't go Matty!" Caydon dashed towards him and wrapped his arms around Matthew's waist tightly as he buried his head against his stomach.

"Cade, it's late already. You have to go home and I have to go home too."

"No Matty! You go park, not home! It's cold and you don't have a jacket!" Wait...Matthew is the one living in the park? Now I remember Caydon saying something about him to be the same person as the one he gave the money to...

"Cade...please? Go home for me? I'll see you tomorrow after your school okay? I promise. Please?"

"B-But...ok...You promise to come back tomorrow?" Caydon whimpered loudly making Matthew smile at him softly before bending down to give him a tight hug which he gladly returned. 

"Yes, I promise."

"Matthew, you can stay with us if you don't mind. I'm sure that Caydon doesn't mind too, right Caydon?" Caydon nodded frantically as he stared at Matthew exasperately.

"It's alright Dylan. I'll be fine."

"You sure?" When he nodded, Caydon's eyes fell in sadness before sobbing into my pants.

"Yup. I'll be going now then. Bye guys." He patted Caydon's head softly before rushing off quickly.

"Come Matt, let's go home." Picking him up, I locked up the shop before driving us home.

What an eventful day today was...


Matthew's POV:

Where's my cardboards and pillow? I remembered putting them here. I searched the whole area behind the supermarket but I still couldn't find them. Did someone throw them away?

I stuff my hands into my pocket as my fingers started to freeze up from touching the snow.'s still snowing heavily and I couldn't find any cardboards....I'll just deal with it I guess.

Clenching the box of biscuits against my chest, I trudged towards the bench and laid down slowly, the cold cutting into my flesh upon direct contact. Curling up into a fetal position, I hugged the box tightly before falling deep asleep. It's so cold...

The surrounding Matthew is sleeping in ^

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The surrounding Matthew is sleeping in ^

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