Chapter 26

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Sorry for not updating for two days. Had a major writer's block so today's chapter may not be as good as expected. Sorry.

Emily's POV:

"Boss, it's lunch time already. Do you want to eat anything?" Landon knocked on his door lightly as I stood beside the counter.

"I'm fine."

"O-Okay...Sorry Emily."

"It's alright. I'll just get him something light."

That boy...he's going to kill himself slowly if he continues to live like this.

It's been 3 months since the accident. Ever since that incident, he's been coped inside his little workspace, only going out for toilet breaks, neglecting his health. I have to take leave since then to take care of him and Caydon. Thankfully my boss is kind enough to allow me take such a long time off.

Caydon cries in his sleep every night, calling out for Matthew while Dylan...he stays in the shop for most of the time, releasing his anger on the caramels. That's what Landon says at least. Both of them barely eats unless I force them to.

This family is falling apart without Matthew...

Grabbing their orders, I ordered a tuna sandwich, a chocolate muffin and a cup of latte for Dylan.

"Here are your orders Miss." Thanking the staff, I took the orders from him before making my way back to the shop.

"Here ya'll go."

"Thanks Em." They said in union before stopping all their work.

"I'm coming in Dylan." Opening his door, a blueprint of a building came into view.

"What is that Dylan?"

"A blueprint."

"Isn't that the building in the woods? Why do you have it? You're not thinking of going there right?" He remained silent as he scanned the print.

Oh hell no. No way I'm letting him put himself into danger.

"Whatever you're thinking of now Dylan, drop it. It's not worth the risk. Yoh still have Caydon to care for."

"I'm not going to do anything. I'm just going to kill him." He slid out a gun from under the table before loading it. Why the hell does he have a gun there?!

"You're going to land yourself in jail! What do you think Matthew will feel about this?! How about Caydon? He's your son! It's not worth it Dylan. Your life is the most important now. Caydon needs you.

Do you know how he's like nowadays? He hides in his room everyday after school and every night, he cries in his sleep and blames himself for being the one that caused Matthew to be hurt!" He glared at me fiercely before slamming the gun down hard onto his workdesk.

"Do you think that Caydon is the only one that feels hurt?! That's my boyfriend in the hospital which we're talking about! The one that I love! You don't know how it feels like to see the one you love so dearly in the hospital unconscious and you're here safe and sound and you're the reason he's in there?!

I feel like just throwing myself in front of more than just one speeding truck repeatedly just to show him that he's not the only one who have to go through the pain as I'll do the same with him! I want to make the fucking bastard pay for hurting him! For hurting the one I love! The worst thing is, I don't even know if he'll ever wake up or if he'll ever go back to how he was before the accident!" Tears fell from his eyes when he ended as he wiped them away roughly before folding the blueprint and keeping it in his pocket.

"I may not know how it feels to have a lover in such crisis but I do know the feeling of getting abandoned by my both parents when I needed them the most! I don't want Caydon to feel the same thing as me. He's still a kid! He doesn't deserve to feel like that.

This is the time when he needs his father by his side to tell him that it's not his fault and that his mummy will wake up soon! He doesn't deserve getting ignored by his own father just because his father is planning some mass murder or shit! You're his father and he's your responsibility!

So gather yourself and do your part as both a father and a husband! I doubt Matthew will even want to see you like this. He'll be kicking your ass already if he's awake and comforting Caydon like a mother he is to him." He stared at me taken-aback as he reflected on his actions.

Picking up the gun, he slid it into the back of his pants before grabbing his car keys and phone.

"I'm going to pick Cay up now." He said gruffly before heading out of his shop without another word.

"Enlightened already?" Landon piped up at Dylan's disappearing frame.


Dylan's POV:

"How's your school today Cay?"

"Okay..." He mumbled softly as he sat quietly in his seat. Driving to the side, I stopped the car before turning over to face him.

"Caydon?" He stared into my eyes directly for a while before tears welled up in his eyes.

"I-I'm s-sorry Daddy. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to-"

"It's not your fault Cay. It's not your fault. It's the driver's fault. He's to blame, not you."

"I-If I didn't run out, the truck will not have hit mummy. It's all my fault. It's all Caydon's fault. I deserve to get scolded or punished Daddy. Please Daddy, scold me or take my things away. I was a bad boy. Caydon's a bad boy." He sobbed loudly as tears flowed down his face freely.

I can't believe that he had blamed himself all the while. It wasn't his fault at all. He couldn't have done anything then. Unbuckling his seatbelt, I carried him over to my side before setting him down on my lap to face me.

"Stop that Caydon. You're not a bad boy. If anything, I'm the bad one. I failed to protect you and mummy that's why mummy's in the hospital. If daddy protected you and mummy, mummy won't be inside. So blame daddy okay?  Blame me. Daddy is the bad guy." I stared deep into his eyes making him shake his head repeatedly yet firmly.

"No! Daddy good! I love daddy!" He announced without hesitation.

"Then if daddy's good, my precious son is good too. I love you too Caydon. Always. So no one is bad okay? Only the driver. Okay?" He thought for a while before nodding slightly and burying his face into my chest.

"Okay daddy. Sorry daddy."

"Good boy. That's my son. How about we go and visit mummy after lunch? I'm sure you have a lot of things to tell mummy, right?" Stroking his head tenderly, he looked up with bright eyes and a wide smile which brightened up my day.

"Yes please daddy! I want to tell mummy about the drawing I did. Mrs Day said that it's good!" He said enthusiastically before climbing back to his seat but not before giving me one strong hug.

"Of course Cay. Of course." I'm glad that Caydon's finally alright. Seems like what Emily said was right...I'm glad I've listened to her...really glad.

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