Chapter 25

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Leonardo's POV: (Unknown's POV)

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Leonardo's POV: (Unknown's POV)

"Did you kill him?" Chain nodded as he sprayed the truck clean.

"The impact should have killed him."

"Good. You can go after cleaning up. Oh wait. Help me deliver this letter. Express mail."

"Yes boss."

Walking up into my office, I couldn't hide the growing smirk on my face. Finally I've gotten my revenge. Now he'll suffer.

He'll see he beloved die in front of his very own eyes. His one and only beloved Matthew. Serves him right for reporting me in. That's called karma, bitch.

Hopefully that Matthew person really died or I'll make him my bitch before killing him slowly with my very own pair of hands.

I bet I'll enjoy that. I'll first fuck him into submission before cutting his heaf off and giving it to Dylan with a ribbon made out of his intestine. Imagine the pain he'll go through at the sight. Fucking orgasmic.

Damn, thinking of that excited me. Now I hope that the Matthew person did not die. This way, I can then have my fun.

Dylan's POV:

"How is he doc?!" The doctor finally came out after 4 hours in the operation roon with a solemn look on his face. No...he didn't die...right?

"I'm sorry but his condition isn't favourable to him. His suffering from a badly fractured rib, a punctured lung, a broken ribcage and a bad concussion and is currently in coma. I also have two more bad news. The concussion may cause him to lose his vision. Temporarily or permanent, for how long, we're not sure. The second bad news is...I'm sorry but he have lost the baby. I'm sorry for your loss." B-Baby?

"B-Baby?! He's pregnant?! How is that even possible? He's a guy!"

"But it is the fact Sir. He was one month pregnant. That may be the reason why it's not obvious." He was pregnant...he was carrying my child. Our child. I failed to protect them. It's all my fault. I killed my baby.

"When will he wake up?"

"We're not sure. We're not even sure if he'll make it through tonight. I'm sorry."

"Can we see him?"

"Yes. Two at a time."

"Thank you."

"No worries."

"Are you going to go in Dylan?" Emily spoke up as she place a hand on my shoulder.

"Can you bring Caydon in to see him first? I want to have some time alone with Matthew." She nodded understandingly before leaving me alone.

Making my way to the restroom, I dialed for Carlos as I leaned against the wall tiredly.

"What's up?"

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