Chapter 2

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Dylan's POV:

"Wake up you big ass! It's 7 already!" I woke up to Emily beating the crap out of me using a pillow before being assaulted by the morning sun. Urgh...why must she draw my curtains?

"Go away Em. It's too early to be woken up." Groaning, I pulled my covers above my head before closing my eyes again.

"Then I shall have to drive Cayden to school myself." Oh hell no. The last time she drove my car, it crashed into a row of male public toilet. Don't ask me why the male toilet only and not even one female toilet, I don't even want to know why. All I know is it cost me a bomb to repair the car and to pay for the damaged toilets. 

"I'm up." She stood there with a smirk on her face. I gave her the death glare but she just grinned widely.

"Good. Cayden should be eating be now so you better hurry."

"Yes mother." She punched my shoulder lightly with a smile on her face before walking off.

Brushing my teeth quickly, I went downstairs to find Cayden about to stuff a strawberry into his mouth. "What did I say about stuffing your mouth?"

"Morning daddy. Sorry daddy but it's so good and I love strawberries." He pouted before biting half of it first. 

"Eat slowly love, no one is going to snatch it from you." I ruffled his hair making him beam widely before chewing slowly.

"Here's yours lazy bum." Emily slid me a plate of waffles similar to Cayden's but twice the number of waffles and a side of egg bacon breakfast cups.

" Emily slid me a plate of waffles similar to Cayden's but twice the number of waffles and a side of egg bacon breakfast cups

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"Thanks Em

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"Thanks Em." She nodded like usual before digging into her own food once again.

"Welcome. Now eat. Cayden must be out by 7:30 or he'll be late."


"Daddy, can we go to the park after school?" I looked down to my little boy as he stared at me with hopeful eyes.

"Of course Matt. We can get ice cream too if you'll like."

"Yes please daddy! Thank you daddy!" 

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