Chapter 20 (Part 2)

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Dylan's POV:

"Here's your order Dylan." He place the tray of food and drinks down before sitting opposite of me.

"Thanks gummy bear. How much is it?" I took out a fifty and handed it over to him but he pushed it back into my hands.

"I'm treating you for the first half remember? I can't have you to pay for my Valentines plan for you." He insisted as he rejected my money once again as I stuffed it into his hand.


"Come on Dylan, for once?" He gave him the puppy eyes which made me cave instantly. I can't win against the puppy eyes made by the two Matthews. Maybe it's what Matthews do best.

Making a gentle reminder in my head, I stored the info to not name our next child Matthew again or any name similar to Matthew or I'll have a big headache.

"O-Okay then...Thanks Matt." He beamed widely when he won the 'argument' as he nibbled on his croissant. At least he's eating more and more now. I'm glad.

I remember the time when he first moved in, he couldn't even hold half a bagel down before he had to visit the toilet to puke his guts out. He slowly got better of course. Now he can eat around the same portion as Caydon without having the need to puke.

"No problem Dylan. How's the food?"

"Good but not as good as the food you make." He blushed slightly at my words, making me chuckle at how easy I can make him blush.

"You're cheesy." He mumbled through pouting lips making me coo internally at his cuteness.

"I'm just stating the fact. You're the best chef." I said with a shrug while taking a sip of my drink which is terribly sweet due to the caramel. Not as sweet as Matthew though. Matthew is the sweetest. 

"Where are we going after this?"

"How does a movie sound?"

"Great." He said immediately with a sparkle in his eyes. I hope his fine with horror?

 I hope his fine with horror?

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