Chapter 9

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*Next morning*

Dylan's POV:

"Bye Matt!"

"Bye daddy!" Caydon waved at me energetically before running towards Mrs Day. He's been this energetic since he woke up. He kept talking nonstop about what he's going to do with Matthew later, it's kind of entertaining.

Driving down the road, I spotted Matthew leaning against a wall near my shop. He must be getting to work at the Mac further down the road. I should give him a ride. Driving to the curb, I got off my car and advanced towards him.

"Hi Matthew, need a ride?" He tilted his head up slowly, his eyes landing on me. Shit, his lips are so blue.

 Shit, his lips are so blue

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"D-Dy...lan..." His eyes closed shut as his body fell forward into my embrace. Fuck! He's fucking cold.

"Matthew? Matthew, can you hear me?" I shook him slightly but he just remained limp in my arms. Fuck. Lifting him up bridal style, I ran towards my shop and unlocked it quickly, turning on the heater before laying him on a sleeping bag which I've kept for emergencies. Sometimes I work till 2 in the morning, so I'll just spend the night in the shop.

"Matt, wake up. Wake up Matthew." I slapped him slightly hoping it will wake him up but he remained unconscious. Leaning down, I place my ear on his chest to hear faint irregular beating which scared the hell out of me.

"Hello, ambulance?...yes. I have someone unconscious here so please hurry!......We're in the shop Faites de beaux rêves......he's breathing but his heart beat is faint and irregular.......please come quickly!" I hang up the call before turning up the heater to full blast, listening to his heartbeat all the while to ensure that he doesn't stop breathing.

"Please step aside sir, we have to take him to the hospital now or he may die. The symptoms you've said implies that he have a lung or heart problem so if either starts to fail, he may not make it." The paramedic announced, making me move aside quickly before following tightly behind the ambulance in my car.

Please stay alive Matthew. Please stay alive for me and Caydon. I've only started to develop feelings for you not long ago so you can't leave me until I figure out what I'm feeling for you. Caydon loves you a lot so you can't leave him. You promised that you'll be back for him when he comes back from school. I've never seen him so happy before.

Rushing to the ER, the red light was on, leaving me outside in silence. Is what I'm feeling exactly the same feeling as how people feel when they are in the hospital? Because all I'm feeling are despair and sorrow.

To: Landon

I'll be late. You guys start work first please. Thanks.

From: Landon

Yes boss. Take care.

Switching off my phone, many thoughts ran through my mind as I waited patiently for the light to go off.

Why did I stare at him dumbfounded when I first saw him at Mac?

Why did his eyes attract me so easily? Did I see him before somewhere?

Why did I care when I saw what he was wearing?

Why did I want him to get the job?

Why did my heart beat so frantically when he fainted? It's still beating so wildly even now.

I recognised him but I don't remember where did I last saw him.

His eyes are captivating and alluring. It's like I've seen them somewhere but the memory is left hazy.

He looks so fragile and cold, I just wanted to warm him up and protect him. It's like a natural instinct...

I wanted to know more about him, I wanted him to be close to me...

I'm afrain that I'll lose him. I can't calm down until I see that he's alright...

I think I like him...but is that even possible? I barely even know him...

"Family of Matthew Harrison?" A doctor called out, snapping me out of my daze.

"I'm his friend. How is he doc?" I jumped out of my seat and dashed towards him as he scanned though his clipboard.

"He's currently still sleeping Sir. He fainted due to being malnourished, over exertion and due to the coldness. Did you know what happened to him as his body temperature was way below average. Too low to be exact. He also has a lung condition. From his previous report, he was admitted due to a punctured lung and from the x-ray scan we did, the wound did not recover fully so it affected his breathing after long-term. We have put him into sleep for his body to regain it's energy. He has over exerted too much, its harming his health."

"Thank goodness he's alright. Thank you doc for saving him."

"No problem. Oh ya, can you tell him that we have to pull the plug soon?"

"Pull the plug? For who?"

"His mother. She's been in coma for 9 years already and still shows no sign of waking up. We all think that it is no use waiting any much longer so we are suggesting that he should let us pull the plug.

Also, he's late for this month's payment. He's supposed to pay $270 daily but he's unable to pay off for the past two days so he owes us $470 currently, excluding today's payment."

"You will not pull the plug without his permission. I don't care what you think but that is his mother, not yours. I'll pay for his hospital bill and his mother's for the remaining of this year and next for now so you don't have to worry about him not being able to pay." He nodded frantically with fake remorse.

"Yes. Sorry sir. Um, would you like to do payment now or later?"

"Now and do not tell him who paid for him. Got it?"

"Yes Sir. Please come with me."

Following behind the stupid doctor which I've grown to dislike, all I'm thinking off is......

What should I tell Caydon later?

What should I tell Caydon later?

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Dylan's troubled look ^

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