Chapter 44

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-D.O's POV-

Sehun and I were at the cafe and buying some bubble tea .. It's his favorite -______- We drink it while on our way to the others , they were at the other shop and buying some gifts .. Kai phoned us , and said Jisoo already wake up .. So we're all going there , but first we have to bring something .. That's why Kris , Chen , Luhan and Suho were the one choosing which gift .. While Chanyeol , Baekhyun , and Tao were staying outside that shop and sitting along the bench , playing a games in their phones .. Xiumin and Lay were on the other shop , which is right next to the shop where Suho hyung and his company were ..

Sehun and I approach to the bench where Baekhyun is sitting .. As I stopped walking when I saw someone familiar .. It's Min-ah ..

"D.O ? Ya ! You're here also ? I didn't know .. By the way , are still mad at me ?" she exclaimed .. I glanced to Sehun and give him look telling him to go first .. And he then walks away , leaving the two of us there ..

"aniya .. it's okay .. I forget about it already .."

"by the way how's your love life going ? I heard your dating someone , that's great you know .."

"my life's great , really great .. Actually my love is the one who's not great .. You see when you dumped me and choose JB back , I never believe in love again .. I was really hurt by what you did , but that was back then .. I moved on already .. As of now , I don't wanna open my heart back again .. I'm doing fine without having a lover , as long as my friends are around .. Uhh~ By the way , I better go .. They're waiting on me .. Bye~ Nice seeing you again "

I said to her as I left her there with a cold shoulder .. I know the way say it was sarcastic , and not to tell .. A bit harsh too , huh ! =___= She must be thinking right now , that I am still haven't get over her yet .. And that I am still hoping her back .. Whatever she is thinking right now .. I don't care ! I already decided to let her go .. And she's not worth it for my love .. As of now , I don't wanna fall again ! I've learned already ..

-Jisoo's POV-

"YA ! LET ME GO ! I SAID LET ME GO !" I exclaimed as they were holding me very tight on the hands , dragging me back inside that room

"Unnie ! It's just us .. We won't bite you , why are you afraid of us .."

"You must stay here Jisoo , this is for your own good .."


"That's why we want to help you , bring back your memory .. So , jebal .."

"We're here !" We all glance to the door , as it opens very wide .. And many handsome man showed up (O___o)

"what's going on ? Why are you holding her like that ?" one of those man asked .. His cute ! (=^_____^=) Ya ! Why is my heart beating so fast ? Is it because of him ?

"Hyung , help us tying her up" the guy named Kai said asking their help

"wae ?"

"because she'll run away ! ppalli !"

Then they all tied me up -________- and the cute guy were helping also .. Aish~ This is embarrassing !

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