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"Where are we going? Seriously?" I asked Finn while leading me to wherever place we were going.

After the free-spirit or I must say, the open forum he gave me a handkerchief and asked me to put it on my eyes but before he handed me that, he looks at me from foot to head and says "you're perfectly okay. anyway this is not some kind of formal thing. this is more of a stupid thing." which I didn't understand.

"Finn, uhh wait. Is it okay to call you Finn and not TL?"

His chuckle directed to my ears are very pleasant "Let's not be professional here, we're not in convention."

"I hear your laugh, I hate it." I giggled "I swear to all saints If I slip, I'll let you trip in toy cars Finn Davies"

"Thank you for full name!" sarcastically speaking. "but that's not gonna happen. I'm right here next to you" said Finn. He is such an adorable person and I can't hate anything about him. Not even a bacteria in his body.

"What the hell?" I laugh

"Okay so" I feel his arms running through my hair and trying to take the blindfold out "I am gonna take this thing off of your head and be surprise"

"You know what, I don't know what else do you have and you can do to me that I couldn't hate." I told him.

"Probably, my face."

"That was funny."

"Okay, you can open your eyes. But not quickly just slowly because its still dark for you."

"Oh thanks for reminding me." I say and do the steps he said.

"This is..okay?" he's looking at me and completely confused.

"Oh my god! Oh god! This is beautiful! What are these?" I opened my hands then shrugs

"For you." he said shyly.

"For me? Oh god." In shock, I cover my mouth. "what is it?" I furrowed smiling "I mean..yeah its food, lights..and..such stuffs" I keep smiling. I opened my mouth so wide and crossed my arms standing in front of him. "okay" I nod, hit my lap "I don't want to be rude here. But, is this some kind of...date?"

"Yes. No. Uh yes. I mean no not a date date but..yes its a friends date." crossing his arms and gives an awkward face. "two friends who go out in their spare time."

We both shut up but the silence remains so loud.

"There! Can I sit here?" I asked him, he turns around me. "am I rude for welcoming myself here?"

"No, not at all." a quiet voice of him.

"So uhm, who cooked these foods and who operate this fairy lights and this artistic wooden table in this artistic cabin? This is all like.."


"Yeah and uhh"


"Exactly! And.."


"No! No no no" I shouted. "This is..what's another word for romantic?"


"Come on! Don't make me laugh. What a genius person?" I giggled.

"Thanks for saying that but I have to break your laughter because I can't handle being hungry."

"As usual" I shrugged.

"What did you say again?" Finn serious question.

"I'm saying that..yeah you're hungry because of too much talking, communicating, speaking.."

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