Chapter 1: Cool Person

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Okay, I've never written fanfic before and I take constructive critisism since I fuckin' suck so I don't judge. Hope you like it. Also I don't know any good chapter names, so try and help me in the comics please.


Angela held her head in her hands, groaning. She looked back at her almost finished report, smiling sadly. At least it's almost done, she thought to herself. She then heard a soft knock on her door. "Come in..." Half of her voice was gone. Winston walked in. "Angela, how's the report going?" He asked. "It's going..well. I'm almost done, just a few more paragraphs." Angela yawned. "You know, I'm worried about you Angela. Everyone is, and you know that. You need to get some rest." She sighed. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Working a job like mine is hard and you don't always get time for breaks." She replied. Winston sighed, rubbing his temple. "Look, Angela, I just want you to get some rest, ok? Please just take a break for now." She groaned, standing from her chair. "Fine, but only for a few hours." He smiled. "Thank you, and rest well Angela." Angela smiled sadly. "I will, don't worry." She exited her office to head to the dorms. She had to admit, she was very tired. Angela was about to reach her dorm as she stumbled into someone. The papers they were holding were scattered across the floor. "Oh my, I'm so sorry!" She kneels to grab the papers. The woman smiled, grabbing some of them. "Please, it's fine Angela." Angela looks up at the woman. It was Fareeha. "Fareeha? They recruited you?" She asked. "Yes, it took too fuckin' long though." Angela frowned at her vulgar language. "My apologies. You look beat, are you alright?" Fareeha asked, genuinely concerned. Angela could hear it in her voice. "I'm fine, just taking a break." Fareeha chuckled. "No wonder, you do not look in any shape to work." Angela smiled softly as she felt Fareeha's hand on her shoulder. "Go on, get some rest. You can come to my house for a bit if you want." She offered. "I told Winston I'd only take a break for a few hours and I plan to sleep for that period of time." Angela yawned. "Yeah, alright. Sleep well and stop by anytime." Fareeha hugged her and left to her office. Angela walked carefully to her dorm, trying not to stumble. She was feeling sick. She was only half awake. Angela barely made it to her room without fainting. Was it anxiety? Was she just tired? Maybe both? Angela had no clue. She just wanted to sleep. She slipped into her bed, sighing. She should've spent time with Fareeha, but maybe she can just make plans during the holidays. Winter break was coming soon anyways, so maybe they can just hang out then. She smiled, closing her eyes.


Angela's eyes flickered at the sound of someone knocking at her door. She yawned, answering the door. "Yes?" She looked down. It was Hana. "Yo, Angie, did I wake you up? 'Reeha told me you were chillin'." She asked. "I just woke up, but it's fine. You actually woke me up on time." She prepared some coffee as Hana walked in, propping herself on the couch. "No problem, just visitin' since your basically the only cool person over here." Angela snorted. "Cool person?" Hana groaned. Angela gave a cup of coffee to Hana. "Thanks." After a quick cup of coffee, Hana left Angela alone. She sighed, leaving to her office. Cool person? How can a lame doctor like me be cool? She thought to herself whilst heading to her office. She walked in, settling in her chair and turning on her computer. Her phone vibrated. She finished her notes and then checked her phone. It was Fareeha.

Pharah: want to hang out on the weekend? I have a break.  She fiddled with her pen before replying.

Mercy: Why not? I'll ask Winston to give me a day off on Sunday. 

Pharah: Sounds good.

She switched off her phone and checked her notes, finishing up the last of her report. She jotted down some notes and took a deep breath. "Finally.." She muttered. Angela sipped the last of her coffee, standing up. She went outside, away from the base. She decided to go to the park. Angela loved the sounds of nature. Birds were chirping, she could hear children playing around. It was nice to get a chance to stay away from the base and just enjoy the sight of nature. Angela sighed, smiling sadly as she stood and left back to base.

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