Chapter 7: Feel Good

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The song is the one Fareeha was listening to on her phone. Some kinky shit's gonna happen in this chapter btw.


Fareeha started the engine and raced off. She slammed on the pedal, not stopping. She was just lucky that she hadn't passed the speed limit yet. After half an hour, she had finally reached her destination. Tears were on the brink of falling from the Egyptian woman's eyes. She had regretted not bringing Angela. She quickly parked and rushed towards the door. She walked in. "Hello, ma'am, how may I-" "Ana Amari." She cut him off. "I'm sorry?" The woman said. "Ana Amari, where is she?" "My apologies ma'am, but, you can't visit her right now. She is in no shape to be visited right now." Fareeha growled slightly. "You don't understand, I need to see her!" The woman sighed. "I'm sorry, Miss, I cannot allow you to go." Fareeha paced up and down the room, on the brink of tears. "No.." Her eyes watered. "It's okay.." She whispered to herself, walking out. The woman glared at her, wondering why Ana was so important to her. Of course, she looked familiar, with the tattoo and all. Fareeha entered her car, holding her head in her hands. "Mother..." She sighed, turning on the engine. Her phone vibrated. It was Angela.


Angela paced around the room, checking her clipboard for notes. She was chatting with another nurse before  a male nurse yelled at her. "Damn, those are some nice curves!" Angela rolled her eyes. He approached her. "You are a literal angel..phew!" "Leave me alone.." She muttered. "Pardon?" he said, putting an arm around her neck. "Leave me alone." She repeated in a stone cold voice. Angela pushed him away. He came back, flirting with her again. "Cut it out!" She yelled. "I'm taken!" The nurses laughed at her attitude. Everyone looked back as the door opened. Angela's eyes lit up. "My hero.." She whispered. It was, of course, Fareeha. She put her sunglasses on her head, leaning against the counter. She smiled as Angela walked towards her. Angela whispered in her ears, as she nodded. "Alright, fellas, you're hitting on her?" The nurse laughed. "What's it got to do with you?" Fareeha smirked. "Angela, you might want to go to the break room.." She said, kissing her on the cheek. Angela's shift was over anyways, there's nothing she had  to do. Instead, she went ahead in the car. The male growled at Fareeha. "She is dating you? You're clearly a weakling." He regretted what he said, looking at Fareeha's shape. "At least I can pick up ladies with my looks." "I'll knock your teeth out, lady!" He threatened. "Try me, fuckboy." The other nurses laughed at the man as they chanted. She left, knowing that was absolutely unprofessional. Angela laughed at the scene from the car. Fareeha smiled softly as she started the engine. "I missed you, habibti." She kissed Angela on the forehead as Angela pushed her head away. "It's been one day." They chuckled. "I know, I'm just going through a lot lately." Fareeha sighed. "Like what?" Angela asked. Fareeha started driving away. "I..tried to visit mother." Angela looked down. "But they didn't let me in." She finished. Angela looked at Fareeha in awe. "Apparently, she was in no shape for visitors. I'll visit her. No matter what." Angela huffed. "Mein schatz, I'm so sorry.." She said, patting Fareeha's back. Fareeha sighed. "I just want to see her again, Angela.." "Poor sweetie.." Angela rested her head on Fareeha's shoulder as they drove off to Angela's apartment. "Say, mein liebe, do you want to visit Ana together?" Angela asked, yawning. "Of course! She'd love to see you again." Angela smiled warmly at her response. They had reached her apartment. "Good night, Reeha!" "Good night, my angel." Fareeha smiled at her as she left. She checked her phone for any messages. One from Tariq. Her face lit up. It was telling her about a mini celebration for her at a bar near by. Their squad was visiting Switzerland for a while, so Fareeha agreed. It was planned all for her, after all. She pulled out of the parking lot and searched up the address. She drove off. Fareeha barely drinks, unless she's super stressed out or is enjoying a nice celebration. She is not lightweight at all, which was a good thing since Fareeha would probably get wasted tonight. Or at least would try to. She snickered at the thought. She also thought of how much her mother would enjoy it. She sighed, playing some music from her phone. She smiled as it started with her favorite song. She hummed along, softly. After about 15 minutes, she reached the bar. "Here I come, Tariq." She whispered to herself. She left the car, walking inside. Fareeha almost immediately spotted her crew. They cheered as she sat down. "Fareeha! How long has it been?" Saleh said, patting her back. She smiled softly, crossing her legs. "Alright, a simple beer?" Tariq asked her. She nodded in response. Although it was just the 3 of them, it was a nice night. Fareeha stood up to get her drink, until she spotted a familiar face. She couldn't tell who it was until he looked at her. It was the nurse from earlier, with a group of people who she hadn't seen before. "Oh great.." She muttered. "Well, isn't it little miss perfect?" he chuckled, fixing his leather jacket. He stood up, quite a distance away from Fareeha. Tariq and Saleh turned. "Everythin' alright, cap?" Saleh asked, staring the man in the eyes. "I'll be fine." She answered. She grabbed her beer, popping the cap. The man got closer. "You think you could get away with that?" He growled. "What, protecting my girlfriend?" She said. "She doesn't deserve a bitch like you. Fucking lesbian!" He swung at Fareeha. She ducked down, immediately tackling him. His group of friends stood up. So did Tariq and Saleh. She socked him in the face. Again and again. Eventually, he was out cold. "That's enough!" the tender yelled. Tariq and Saleh pulled her out as the group of friends took him and left. "What was that?" Saleh asked. "An idiot." She replied. "What's up with you two? You know each other?" He asked. "Yes, we do. He tried to flirt with Angela." She said, sipping her beer. She seemed quite calm, with a bruise on her face from the friends trying to protect him. Maybe even a bit of blood.  "Angela?" Tariq said, crossing his legs. "Oh right..She's my, uh..." "Girlfriend." A man replied. They looked at him. "Jesse!" She jumped out of her seat, hugging him. "Hey, darlin'! Hasn't it been a while?" He said, returning the hug. Fareeha smiled. "Oh, it's been too long!" After a nice talk between the 4 of them, they decided to go home. Fareeha went in her car, starting up the engine. She drove off back to Angela's apartment just to check if she was working. She didn't want the doctor to over work herself too much. She parked as she reached there, entering the building in a rush. She knocked on the door. No answer. She took out the key. Angela gave it to her as a gift, a gift of trust. She creaked the door open, entering. She opened the door to Angela's study room. There she was, drifting asleep at her desk. Fareeha sighed, smiling sadly as she carried the doctor to her bedroom. The doctor's eyes flickered open. "Fareeha..?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "Ah, A-Angela! My apologies, I didn't mean to wake you.." Her cheeks were red. Fareeha put her down on her bed. Angela didn't let go of Fareeha's neck, as she pulled her close. Her cheeks were burning. Angela's lips pressed against Fareeha's. Fareeha had the urge to pull back, but she didn't. Instead, she continued. Eventually, Angela let go to catch her breath. Fareeha used that time to slip her tongue in, exploring. Angela turned red, but slipped in hers too. Their tongues wrestled for dominance. Fareeha gave up as Angela's won. They let go as Fareeha pulled back, gasping for air. Angela smiled, throwing her arms around Fareeha. "Doesn't Swiss taste the best?" "Yeah, it does."

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