Chapter 3: We Belong in the Skies

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Winston was a little less strict than usual. Maybe it's because of me? I have no clue. I was pretty happy with our squad for today's mission. It was me, Winston, Lena, Reinhardt, Hana and Fareeha. It was good. Of course, Winston was leading the mission. We just had to gather some intel about Talon. I didn't feel good though. I felt like I was being watched.


Angela P.O.V

We had finally landed in Numbani. We split up into 2 teams. Me, Winston, and Fareeha were one group. The rest were together, they were going to back us up as we went for the intel. Lena joined our group. Lena and Winston went directly for the intel. Meanwhile, me and Fareeha tried to find a flanking route. I just hope they're okay. I mean, Hana and Rein should be able to protect them, right? "This place gives me the creeps." Fareeha said, walking down the hall. Her voice echoed. "I mean, I just hope nothing happens to the others." I sighed. She put a hand on my shoulder. "They'll be fine. I mean, they got Winston. They'll be safe." I smiled sadly. "Now, let's find a way to.." She stopped. So did I. There were faint footsteps, getting closer and faster. "Stay with me, Angela." Fareeha was very serious. I did as I was told. She flew up in the air. I flew behind her. We finally found the intel. Next to it was a big door. We could hear gunshots and calls. "They're behind there!" I yelled. "Quick, get the intel, I'm going to help them!" She nodded, landing infront of the intel. She started to copy it. I left to the other side, flying to Winston. "Winston! We found it!" We were in a heated battle. And then I saw him. The Reaper. Gabriel. I hesitated. But I still went on. I heard a gunshot from the other side. "FAREEHA!" I started running. "Angela, stay with us!" He grabbed me by the shoulder. "Let me go, Winston! She's in danger!" I let myself out of his grip, flying towards the door. As I got through, I was horrified. There she was.


She couldn't feel her arm. She was coughing blood. It was too much for Fareeha. She was just glad it wasn't anyone else. She saw Angela flying towards her. She pulled out her pistol, checking the perimeter. It was clear as she helped Fareeha on her feet. Angela helped her towards the team. Lena was horrified, blinking towards her. "Angie, take care of Winston!  I'll take care of Fareeha. Fareeha held up a USB. "Let's...get back home guys. I have it.." She felt dizzy. Fareeha was losing too much blood. She fell unconscious in Lena's arms.


Fareeha woke up in the hospital bed. Doctors were surrounding her. She couldn't find Angela. She tried to sit up. She squealed from the pain and immediately laid down again. Then she saw Angela, whos was asleep, sitting next to Fareeha. The doctors had left, leaving Fareeha and Angela alone. She woke up. "Fareeha..?" She yawned. "Fareeha!" She hugged her tight. Fareeha giggled. "I'm still here. I'm still alive." "Oh thank god, I was s-so scared.." A tear fell down her face. "And w-were..." Fareeha wiped the tear from Angela's eye. "It's okay." She placed a light kiss on Angela's forehead as she sobbed into Fareeha's shoulder.


holy shit. yeah I know its really shitty but like I don't know how to write fanfic so likkkeeeee. ye please don't kill me. i'll be writing more tomorrow m'doods.


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