Chapter 10: Welcome Home

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Fareeha sighed, sitting up once her phone vibrated. She picked it up. A missed call from Angela. She called back immediately. Why was Fareeha in such a worry? Well, the mission was supposed to be for 1 week. Instead, Angela hasn't came in a month. Angela answered. "Hello?" "Angela! You called earlier, what happened?" Fareeha asked, slightly worried. "Oh, nothing schatz. Just wanted to tell you that I'll be coming back after 3 days." Good that Fareeha knew, a week had already passed. "Oh, alright. Is something the matter?" She could hear Angela sigh from the other end. "Actually, some of our allies from the mission were.. horribly injured." Angela sniffled a little. "Aw, habibti, it's alright. I'll visit you." Angela sighed again, but this time in relief. "Thank you, schatz. See you soon." "Mmm." Fareeha hung up, walking to her closet. She pulled out some casual clothing. A red plaid shirt and jeans. She quickly put them on and jogged downstairs from her room. She grabbed her keys. "Maybe I'll grab a coffee for us." She muttered to herself, starting up her car. She drove of to a local coffee shop. Fareeha got out, walking in and ordering 2 dark roast coffees for herself and Angela. Shortly after, she drove off to the hospital which was only about 15 minutes away from the coffee shop. She sighed, dusting off her clothes and entering the hospital. "Hello, I'm looking for Dr. Angela Ziegler?" "Are you Miss Amari?" The nurse asked. Fareeha nodded her head. "Alright, she's in the break room on the second floor." The nurse smiled at Fareeha. Fareeha smiled back, speed walking to the elevator. She punched in the numbers, reaching her floor shortly after. She jogged, looking around for the break room. She finally found it, knocking on the door. "Come in." An unfamiliar voice called. It was probably another nurse that was helping Angela. She walked in. "Hey, is Angela here?" She whispered to the nurse. "Mhm, just turn right and walk forward." He replied. "Thanks man." "Anytime." Fareeha tip toed through the room, looking for Angela. Finally, she saw her, grinning. She hugged Angela from behind (snort). "Did you miss me?" Fareeha asked. "Fareeha! Oh, I missed you so much mein liebe!" Angela exclaimed, hugging Fareeha tightly. Fareeha kissed her on the forehead. Angela giggled. "I bought coffee!" Fareeha cooed. "Oh, mein held!" Angela joked. Fareeha chuckled. "So, how did it go?" She asked. Angela sighed softly. "Actually, Fareeha.. Lena is.. Quite injured." Fareeha had a horrified look on her face. "H-how bad is it?" She stuttered. "I.. It's just.. very bad, Fareeha. We're doing our best." Angela said, looking like she was about to cry. "Please, don't cry habibti. It's just that.. She means a lot to me.." Angela nodded in response. "Let's just hope for the best, alright my angel?" A tear fell onto the floor. "I don't think she's going to make it, Fareeha.." Angela sobbed into her shoulder. Fareeha sat down, letting Angela rest her head in Fareeha's shoulder. "Everything will be alright.." Fareeha whispered into Angela's ear (snort snort). "I don't want her to go, Fareeha.." "She won't go. She'll make it." Fareeha reassured. Angela pulled back, still sobbing. Fareeha put her hands on Angela's cheeks, wiping away her tears. "It's okay, ya amar." Angela nodded again. "You're right, I need to calm down.." Fareeha pulled her into a hug, patting her back. "You're strong, Angela. Never forget that." Angela threw her arms around Fareeha's neck, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Fareeha put her arms around Angela's waist, lightly. Angela pulled back slowly. "Feeling better?" Fareeha asked. Angela nodded slightly. Fareeha smiled softly. "Thank you for coming, Fareeha. It means a lot." Angela said, resting her head on Fareeha's shoulder. "Anything for my angel." Fareeha said, wrapping her arm around Angela's neck, softly.


Fareeha sighed, but smiled softly. She was very happy that she finally got to see Angela after a month. She laid down on her bed, resting her head on her pillow. She closed her eyes, but they immediately opened up when there was a knock on her door. "Oh, great.." She groaned, walking to the front door. She opened the door. It was Hana. "God, you look like shit." Hana exclaimed, with a horrified look on her face. "Stop, I'm trying to sleep.." Fareeha yawned. Hana chuckled. "Loser, all you did was visit Angie." Fareeha's brow furrowed. "She was in a time of desperate need. I had to visit her." Hana sighed. "Yeah, I heard what happened to Lena." "Did you see her?" Fareeha asked with genuine concern in her voice. Hana shook her heading, propping herself on the couch. She flipped through the channels. She stopped at a news channel. Fareeha sat beside Hana, watching. "Overwatch were on a recent mission, gathering intel from the well known terrorist organization, Talon, whilst they ran into a huge group of them. One of the most skilled members on the team, Lena Oxton, better known as Tracer was horribly injured. We're not sure if she'll make it alive, but we wish luck to Angela Ziegler and her fellow surgeons who are trying to help Lena." Hana switched it off. "Fucking knew it!" She slammed her fist on the table. Fareeha put her hand on Hana's shoulder. "Don't worry, Hana. She'll be fine. Look at the shit she's been through. She'll make it." She reassured her. They turned as they heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it.." Hana spoke, standing up. Fareeha sighed, laying down on the couch, closing her eyes. "Ah, Hana!" "Angie? I didn't expect you to come after 3 days!" They laughed. "Any idea where Fareeha is?" Angela asked. Hana nodded, leading her to the couch where Fareeha laid. She was fast asleep. Hana giggled. "I'll leave you two alone, catch you later!" "Goodbye, Hana.." Angela said as she left. Angela pulled Fareeha's hair back. She sat beside Fareeha, putting Fareeha's head in her lap. She heard Fareeha mumble in her sleep. "Angela.." Angela turned slightly red. "No.." Angela frowned. "NO!" Fareeha shouting, waking up immediately. Angela was taken aback. Fareeha clutched her chest. Her heart was jolting. Angela softly pushed Fareeha's hand, putting her's on her chest. "Nightmare, mein liebling?" She asked. Fareeha sighed in relief, nodding slightly. Angela pulled Fareeha to her chest. Fareeha huffed. Their eyes locked. Fareeha pulled Angela into a short kiss. She smiled. "Welcome home, my angel." "I appreciate it, my eagle."

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