Chapter 9: Like Mother, Like Daughter

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"So, are you ready to see her?" Fareeha asked, starting up the car. "As ready as I'll ever be, mein liebe." Angela said, kissing Fareeha softly on the cheek. Fareeha smiled softly as they drove off towards the hospital. "So..What are we gonna tell mum?" Fareeha asked nervously. "Oh shit, I forgot about that.."Angela cursed. Fareeha sighed. "Well, guess we're gonna have to tell her." Angela nodded in agreement. "Fuck.." Fareeha muttered softly. Angela giggled softly. "It's alright, I'm sure it won't be that bad." She said. "Hmm.. We'll see." Fareeha and Angela had reached the hospital after a while. They got out and walked to the entrance. "Ana Amari?" Fareeha asked. It was the same nurse from the other day. "Yes ma'am, room 6B. Are you sisters?" She asked, politely. "I'm her daughter, and this is my girlfriend." Angela waved at the nurse. She waved back. "Angela Ziegler! It's so nice to meet you." The nurse smiled. Angela smiled back, as they walked towards the room. "That lady seems very nice, Fareeha." "Yeah,she's the same one from the other day." Angela frowned slightly, but her face lit up as soon as she entered the room. "Ana!" Ana put her book down. "Angela! Oh, it's so nice to see you." Ana and Angela hugged eachother. Fareeha took off her sunglasses, sitting beside her mother. Tears formed in Ana's eyes. "Oh, Fareeha, habibti!" Fareeha hugged her softly, sobbing slightly in her shoulder. Angela patted her back. "I didn't expect you to come with Angela." Fareeha pulled back, turning slightly red. "Uh, well mum,you see.." Angela giggled as Ana turned to her, eyebrow raised. "We're dating." Ana's face lit up. "Oh, Fareeha! I'm so happy for you two!" Fareeha chuckled. "I didn't think you'd take it lightly.." Fareeha gasped slightly as she saw Ana's wound. "How did you..?" Ana frowned sadly. "I don't know, Fareeha. All I know is that I won't be moving for a while." Fareeha sighed. "Alright mother, it was nice seeing you. We'll visit tomorrow, alright?" Ana nodded. "Don't do anything weird, girls." Fareeha and Angela turned, absolutely red in the face. "Oh my god, what the fuck mom?" "Profanity, child." Angela laughed. "Anyways, we're out." Ana waved as they left to her car. Angela checked her watch. "Can you drop me off to the base?" Fareeha pouted. "You have to leave already?" She asked. Angela nodded. "How about we just chill for a little bit and then go?" Angela sighed. "Fine.." Fareeha cheered silently. Angela snickered at that. They finally reached Angela's apartment. Fareeha opened the door as they walked in. "Alright, tea?" Angela nodded in response. Fareeha walked towards the kitchen as Angela leaned against the counter. "Do you even know how to make tea?" "Of course I do!" Fareeha exclaimed. "Mhm, doesn't look like you do." Angela laughed. "Oh, shut up!" Fareeha nudged her. She poured in the tea and gave it to Angela. Angela spat it out immediately as Fareeha did the same. "Maybe you should've made the tea.." Angela nodded in agreement, coughing. Fareeha moved the mug away from Angela's face, pressing her lips against Angela's. Angela laughed. "Stooop!" She lightly pushed Fareeha's face away. They laughed. "But isn't it sweet?" Fareeha asked. Angela rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I have to go." She said, snatching the keys from Fareeha. "No, I will drop you off." Fareeha exclaimed, snatching them back. They left to the car. "Alright.." Fareeha started up the engine and drove off. Angela sighed. "It's alright, Angela. You'll be fine." Fareeha reassured her. Angela smiled sadly as they reached base. "Good luck, ya amar." She said, pecking Angela on the cheek. "I'll miss you, Reeha." Angela grabbed her bags, waving goodbye. Fareeha smiled as she saw Lena blink in. She rolled down the window. "Oi! Reeha! We'll be back soon, don't fret 'bout it!" Fareeha nodded in response and asked Lena to come closer. "Keep her safe, Lena. For me." Lena smiled sadly, nodding. "I'll do me best job, Pharah." Fareeha smiled, rolling the window up, driving off as Angela and Lena left to the ship that was waiting for them. She took a deep breath. "Everything will be fine." She muttered to herself, reaching home. She got a message from McCree.

Jissi: ey, ree. me hana and hanzo are going out to eat, wna join?

Pharaoh: sure, send the address.

He sent the address as Fareeha rummaged through her closet to find something nice to wear. She pulled out a nice, pitch black clean tux followed with a red tie. "Not too bad.." She changed, looking in the mirror. She dusted off her shoulders. She jogged downstairs, grabbed her keys and went outside. It was about 7:00 PM. Before she entered her car, she had seen Genji. They exchanged glances. Fareeha looked away immediately, hoping he wouldn't come. He did. Fareeha quickly went in her car and tried to get out of the driveway. "Out of the way, freak." She said, rolling down her window. "What?" "I said, get the fuck out of my way, you little shit." She opened the door, getting out. "Alright, I don't want to get my tux too bloody, let's leave this for another time, kay?" Fareeha smirked. Genji  growled, swinging at Fareeha. She stepped back, sweeping his leg. He stumbled slightly, but fell as Fareeha's fist came flying to his face. "I shouldn't ever see you making a move on Angela, alright?" "You'll pay for this!" He scrambled. Fareeha snickered, getting in her car again. What a damn coincidence. She drove off, checking the address.


Angela sighed, getting her suit. She tested out her wings. They worked perfectly. She sat beside Tracer. "Guess I gotta call you Mercy from now on, eh?" Angela smiled. "It's not necessary, but if you must, Tracer." They giggled. "Anyway, luv, has Reeha been doing alright?" Angela nodded. Lena sighed. "Any..y'know, conflict between her and Genji?" Angela sighed. "Yes..I don't know what to do, Lena.." "What do you mean, luv?" "I mean, who's side should I be on?" Lena sighed, shaking her head slightly. "Look, luv, you might've given him a second chance, but, it's obvious, Reeha actually cares about you. She protects you from him. But in the end, the decision is up to you." She said. Angela nodded in agreement. "I see now. Thank you Lena. It's just.." She hesitated. "I'll take your word for it." "Thanks, Angie. Just know that we're happy for you. Except for that twat.." Lena snarled. "Salutations! We'll be landing soon, prepare yourselves!" Reinhardt exclaimed. Lena and Angela nodded as Angela prepared her staff and put her pistol in it's holster. Mercy prepared her parachute, taking a deep breath. She felt a soft hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry luv. I'll be here for you." Lena reassured her. Angela smiled, as she launched herself into the air. She flew in the air. Wait a minute.. Why do I have a parachute? Angela shook her head, ripping off the parachute. She flew down, landing before anyone else. She saw Lena float down. "Alrighty, luv, mission's simple. We're going to have to find multiple EMP transmitters and take them down, clear the area, and we're out." Lena explained. "Why would it take a week then?" Angela asked. "Actually, luv, we're going to be travelling to different parts of the world." Angela mumbled a soft 'oh' before following the blinking Tracer. She felt something bad. Like she was being watched.



I am so so sooooooo sorry! I haven't been able to write so well these past couple of days.

I am taking requests for shipus.

also, I would like to give a shoutout to Pochi-and-Puffin, Piggybunbun and CaitlynZiegler for being the best people I've ever seen on Wattpad. I even got to talk to Puffin and like. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. They are SO sweet. yeah I'm fangirling. k bye

Falcons And Doves ||A Pharmercy Story||Where stories live. Discover now