Chapter 13: The Return

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Well, then. The first P.O.V in this book for now. Like, first person P.O.V. I don't know what to say, please don't hurt me. ;-;


Ana P.O.V

I stood up, trembling slightly. "You'll be fine, ma'am. We hope your visit will be nice!" The nurse cheered. I gave her a soft smile before walking outside of the hospital. The taxi waved at me. "Right here, ma'am!" The smile still stayed on my face as I entered the car. He immediately drove me to Fareeha's house. "Thank you very much sir." She paid him with a huge tip before knocking on her door. The door opened, revealing a blonde haired woman with familiar light blue eyes. She rubbed her eyes. "Yes?" I smiled, realizing who it was. "It has been a while, Angela." Her eyes widened as she smiled. "Ana! Please, come in!" She opened the door wider so that I could enter. I did, taking off my shoes and jacket. "Fareeha is actually at the gym right now. I checked their clock. This early? She must be very well exercised. I sat down on the couch as she put on some tea for the 2 of us. "How is everything going?" I asked, sipping my tea. Angela smiled, sitting down beside me. "Well, I have to get back to Overwatch tomorrow.. Fareeha got enlisted a while ago.." I was in shock. Overwatch still existed? Even after the shut down and my so called death? "Overwatch is still up?" Angela smiled sadly. "Yes, surprisingly enough. Winston has recalled us, but.. I.. I miss Jack.." I sighed at the comment. Good old Jack and Gabe, cutest couple. But I could see why Angela missed Jack. Hell, even I missed him. But after what happened, we both know after what happened, neither Jack nor Gabe will be coming back anytime soon. No one knows about Gabe and what happened to him. "We all do, Angela. Sometimes we have to let these things fall through." I said, hugging her. She sniffled. "I know, Ana.. I know." Soon enough, someone unlocked the door, opening it. The woman yawned. "I'm home, ya amar." I've heard that voice. Of course I have! It's Fareeha's. I put a finger on my lips, signalling Angela to keep quiet and not tell her I was here. She nodded, standing up. She walked to the door. "Mein schatz, how was it?" Fareeha snickered. "Jesse was there, which was really surprising.. Other than that, I'm just happy to see you." She said, picking Angela up. Angela giggled. Oh, their so cute! I'm so happy for my little one. She pecked Angela on the cheek before setting her down. "I'll go shower and then we can go to sleep, alright?" Angela nodded before coming back to me. We waited until she was gone upstairs. Angela huffed, smiling. "She's so sweet, isn't she?" I asked. She nodded in response. "I'm very happy to see you again, Angela." I smiled warmly. She returned the smile. "So am I, Ana. I was so relieved when we saw you at the hospital." That's when I started to frown. "I am actually planning to go back to Egypt.." Angela sighed, but I could tell she understood. "I'm sure you want to visit your family." She said. "Though I am sad to see you leave, I understand your choice." She nodded her head. "And I request you.. To not inform Fareeha." I stood, grabbing my jacket. "Why?" She asked, tears forming. "She'd not let me go. For now, this is goodbye, Angela. Know that you'll be in my heart, forever." She hugged me tightly, sobbing. "I'm so sorry, Angela.." She was silent. She let go. "Good luck, Ana." I nodded before opening the door. The taxi was already there. "I'll miss you, Angela." She nodded. I closed the door, walking towards the door.

-Fareeha P.O.V

I hung my towel somewhere neat before heading downstairs. Angela was crying. I rushed towards her. "Angela, what happened? Are you okay?" I asked, hugging her tightly. A soft 'yes' came out of her throat, wryly. She rested her head on my shoulder, sniffling. "Whatever happened, it'll be okay.." I reassured her. She took it for granted, as she calmed down after a while. I was relieved, walking towards the kitchen. I grabbed my phone. "Hey, let's go to dinner with Jesse and Hanzo to cheer you up, okay?" I offered. She seemed delighted at the offer, taking my hand. "I'll go get ready." She smiled at me. Perhaps I could wear a dress tonight. It would be rather fun, wouldn't it? Considering I had to go back for a mission tomorrow, I'm sure we could all use the break. It was going to be a long day tomorrow. I quickly got dressed as Angela waited for me downstairs. We drove off shortly after. I just wonder what was bothering her. Did someone return and leave immediately after? I had no clue.

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