Chapter 2: A Date with the Doctor - Fareeha P.O.V

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Fareeha scrolled through her phone as the door bell rang. She dropped her phone on her face. 

"Oww..." She got up from her bed and went to the front door. It was Lena. "Oh, Reeha luv! How's it goin'?" She skipped inside. "Good.." Fareeha went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. "Still going on your hot date with Angie?" Lena asked, winking. Fareeha almost choked on her water. "A date?" She coughed. "It's nothing like that, we're just hanging out. You know I haven't seen her in years." Lena sighed. "I guess.. Anyways, I heard Ana's visiting for a bit, gonna make plans with her?"  "Surely." Fareeha sat down on the couch. "Anything else?" She asked. "Oh oh oh! You better tell me how your date goes, I swear if  you don't..And you better kiss!" Lena hopped up and down. Fareeha held her head in her hands. "Lena, what the fuck? I just got recruited and you want me to kiss her?" Lena pouted like a child. "...I mean...I guess I have a little crush.." Fareeha looked away. Lena laughed hysterically. "OH MY GOD! REEHA HAS A CRUSH ON THE DOC!" She yelled. "Shut up!" Fareeha hissed. Lena stopped, still giggling. "Oh my god, I'm just waiting for you to make a move on her!" "I said shut up, you little twat! Besides, I know you have a crush on that Talon chick." She smirked. Lena was shocked. "How the bloody 'ell did you know?" Fareeha shrugged, giving her a sarcastic smirk. "You'll fuckin' pay, you know..." Lena stood. "I'll be on my way, otherwise Winston's gonna freak." Fareeha nodded. "Hope you had a nice visit." Lena groaned, walking out. Fareeha checked her watch. "Angela should be here in an hour, I should clean up.." She whispered to herself.


There was a soft knock on her door. She got up to answer it. It was Angela. "Angela!" "Hello, Fareeha." She grinned. "You're acting like you haven't seen me in years." Fareeha giggled. "Well, It's the truth, I haven't seen you in a while." Angela shook her head, smiling. "Please, make yourself at home. Dinner is almost ready." Fareeha strolled into the kitchen. "Dinner, eh? You're acting like this is a date." Angela said, sitting down. "Maybe it is." Fareeha replied, smirking. Angela blushed slightly. "Would you consider it one?" She asked. "Feels like it." Angela smiled. "What have you made for dinner?" She asked. "Alright so I made some tabbouleh, little bit of shawarma, and maybe some ice cream for dessert?" Fareeha answered. "I don't mind.." Angela sat down at the dining table. "So, have you settled with someone?" Fareeha asked.  Angela laughed. "Schatzi, If I was in a relationship, I wouldn't be having dinner with you." "True say. Now, let's dig in!" Fareeha tore into her food. Angela smiled, and started to eat. "Lena told me that mother is coming back for a bit. I'm quite excited." She smiled. "That's good to hear, I would love to see her again." They had finished their food rather quickly. "Oh my god, I can't even move!" Fareeha exclaimed. Angela chuckled. "Any room for ice cream? I'm dying for some." She asked. "How can you eat more than I can?" They stood up. "Let's go, before it closes."


She started the car. "This is a very nice car, Fareeha." "Thank you, It was a gift from mum before she left." She turned on the radio, humming along. Angela smiled as she rolled down the window. "It's quite nice out, don't you think?" Fareeha nodded in agreement. "It's always nice here." She was right. Switzerland was a nice place during the summer. It was quiet, perfect place for a vacation. "Really though, I'm very surprised you didn't settle with that Genji guy. He seemed very nice." Angela sighed. "That's what you think when you see him. Most of our talks weren't so nice. He's still very angry about his body.." Fareeha turned her head to face Angela, looking at her with genuine concern. "You know, I'm always here for you if you want to talk about it." Angela nodded as they reached the ice cream place. "Go ahead and find a seat, I'll buy some ice cream." She left to the cashier. "One mint chocolate chip and one strawberry, both waffle cones please." The cashier looked at Fareeha. "Reeha?" She was confused. And then she realized. It was Hana! "Hana? What are you doing?" "Oh well, I actually work 2 jobs and yeah.." Hana grabbed her ice creams. "Here ya go." She handed them to Fareeha. "Thank you." Right before she left, Hana spoke. "Psst, are you on a date with Angie?" Fareeha chuckled. "Maybe~" She whispered to Hana. "I don't mind calling it a date." Hana bursted into laughter. "Good luck, Pharah." Fareeha clicked her tongue, walking to Angela's table, sitting down in front of her. "Was that Hana?" Angela asked. She nodded, licking her ice cream. "Bet you she was talking about that Sombra from the Talon organization? Heard she had a girl crush~" They chuckled, loudly. "So, it's about time that I ask.." Fareeha looked Angela dead in the eyes. Angela tilted her head slightly. "Do you consider this a date?" Angela put a finger on her chin, thinking. She leaned back. "I guess so." Fareeha lit up. "Oh, thank god." Angela leaned forward and - "Girls, take this somewhere else! I don't need to see your make out session." Fareeha flipped Hana off. "Lucky little brat.." Angela smiled, giggling. "You're lucky I didn't beat the shit out of you, Song!" Angela laughed. "On that note, shall we leave?" She asked. Fareeha nodded, putting on a soft smile. That wasn't a fake smile, that was a real smile. The one Angela loved to see. "It was so nice to see you again, Fareeha." Angela smiled, hugging her. "A date with the doctor, huh.." She whispered to herself. "Angela, you know I can't resist seeing you again. I'll tell you when mum comes, we can meet up then, alright?" Angela nodded. "I'll drive you home." Fareeha suggested. She nodded as they left to Fareeha's car.

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