Chapter 14: Stargazing

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Fareeha tossed and turned in her bed, not realizing that her lover had not woken up yet. 

"Pharah, flank the enemy! I'll send Lena to help you!" Jack called out. It had always been her dream to work along the Strike Commander himself! She nodded at his orders, her thrusters being put into action. As she flies towards the enemy, all she heard was a gun shot before falling from the sky. She held her side where she had been shot, tumbling through a wooden rooftop in the small village turned battlefield. She fell on her stomach, coughing from the impact. As she turned onto her back, she could see a pair of golden wings flying down, hand spread out to reach for her. As she was still in the air, everything slowed down for the Egyptian soldier as she saw a familiar bullet heading for this so called angel's head. Why was it familiar? Her mother was hit with the same one, and Fareeha wasn't prepared to lose another loved one to this.. what she couldn't even call human being.

It was then that Fareeha woke up, yelling her lover's name without realizing. Everything was a blur and she couldn't hear anything. She held her head in pain, looking next to her. She realized that Angela wasn't there, awake at her side. Then the door was rammed open, Angela jogging towards Fareeha. She immediately sat down beside Fareeha, letting her rest on her shoulder. "I'm here, liebchen.. What happened?" She asked, patting Fareeha's head. She took a deep breath before replying. "I had a dream," she breathed. "That I lost you.." Angela sighed, placing a light kiss on her lover's forehead. Her crystal blue eyes locked with Fareeha's chocolate eyes. Angela placed a finger on her chin, thinking. "How about we go stargazing?" Fareeha's eyes lit up at the idea. "Yes, that would be nice.." Angela stood, taking off her lab coat, leaving her in a black t-shirt and sweatpants. She yawned, reaching out to Fareeha. Fareeha stood, taking her hand. They walked downstairs, Angela opening the front door. Fareeha grabbed her jacket before following Angela out of the house. She  offered a hand to Angela. Angela smiled, taking it. After a while of comfortable silence, they reached the park. They sat down on a hill, smiling at each other. Angela sneezed. "Bless you. Do you need my jacket, ya amar?" Angela shook her head. "It's fine, you'll catch a cold too." Fareeha frowned, taking off her jacket. She covered Angela, wrapping an arm around her. Angela sighed, pressing her head against Fareeha's shoulder, resting. "Fine.." She gave in, wrapping the coat around herself. Angela looked at Fareeha. "Do you want to talk about your dream?" she asked before cuddling with Fareeha. Fareeha shook her head. "It's nothing that bad.." She marked. Fareeha had noticed that on their way here, Angela had a worried look on her face.  "Angie, you seem worried. Something on your mind?" Angela shook her head, huffing slightly. Fareeha raised an eyebrow before leaving it. Fareeha laid down, looking at the stars. "Mein schatz.." Angela called, cuddling with Fareeha. "Hm?" Fareeha looked down at her. "..Do you miss Reinhardt?" Fareeha sighed at the question. "Of course, habibti. Always." Angela grinned. "What would he think of us?" Fareeha laughed, shrugging. She looked up at the night sky, smiling. "It was a good idea to go stargazing. How come you were up so late?" Angela frowned. "Work, as usual." Fareeha's brows narrowed. "You need to get your rest, Angela." "Okay.. Also, I'll be at the hospital tomorrow, so.." Angela remarked, knowing that Fareeha would be a little upset. "Okay.." Fareeha pouted, but giggled as she leaned closer towards Angela. Angela grinned, locking lips with her lover. Fareeha gracefully accepted this embrace, returning the kiss. They pulled back a while after. "Stargazing fixes all problems.." Angela breathed.

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