Chapter 12: Date Night

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HMMM. When to end the book? I'm not sure. Here's the chapter with McHanzo and Somb.Va. I'm taking commissions, so if you want me to write about any ship in Overwatch, and I mean ANY, other than Gency, Lucio x D.Va. (I personally will NOT take any ships other than Pharmercy with Mercy. It's just my personal opinion, sorry >_<) So please go ahead in the comments and write your commissions or message me privately! Prepare for some dank, my dudes. Also I'm going as fucking SOMBRA for Halloween binches. NO, I DO NOT TRICK OR TREAT I SCARE LITTLE CHILDREN C:

Love, Shinoodle.


Fareeha's eyes flickered open as she heard a soft knock on her door. "Fareeha? Are you awake?" Angela asked from the other side. Fareeha groaned. "Yes, why..?" Angela opened the door, seeing Fareeha with her back turned in bed. She sat on the bed beside Fareeha. "We're going out with Jesse and the others soon, so go ahead and wear something nice, alright?" She asked, brushing her hand across the Egyptian's cheek. "Fine.." Fareeha yawned, getting out of bed. "Thank you, be ready in five minutes, alright?" She asked before leaving. Fareeha's response was just a sigh. Angela giggled before closing the door behind her. Fareeha walked towards the closet, opening it. "Alright, what to wear.." She muttered to herself before rummaging through the closet. She pulled out the same tuxedo she wore last time and looked at it. "Why not?" She grinned, before locking the door. She put it on. She dusted off her shoulders. Fareeha never really liked dresses, she always wanted to wear a tuxedo, and now she finally could. She unlocked the door, walking downstairs. She grabbed her keys and her wallet before sitting on the recliner to wait for Angela. Soon enough, she heard Angela come down. Fareeha was taken aback. "Wow.." She complimented. Angela was wearing a simple red A-line dress with her hair down. Fareeha's eyes locked with Angela. Angela was blushing. "Why uh.. thank you." She fidgeted with her fingers. "You look beautiful, ya amar." Angela laughed. Fareeha offered her hand. Angela took it. "We haven't even reached the place yet." They chuckled. "It's outdoor, by the way." Angela stated before they entered the car. "Outdoor, huh?" Fareeha repeated before turning on her GPS. Soon enough, they were on their way. It was about half an hour away. It was called The Steakout. Fareeha snickered at the name, suspecting that bar fights probably happened there. But it was just a restaurant. Fareeha glanced at Angela, noticing the huge grin on her face. "What's with the grin?" She asked. "Nothing." Angela replied, texting someone. She got a reply a few seconds later. It was from a group chat between Angela, Jesse, Hana and Hanzo just for today. Fareeha raised an eyebrow before concentrating on the road once more.  They had reached there just on time for this so called 'event' to start. Once Fareeha saw the stage, she regretted coming with Angela. "Angie, what's up with the stage?" She asked, nervously. Angela took Fareeha's hand. "Talent show!" She said. "Talent show?" Fareeha repeated, her eyes widened. "Oh no.." She muttered before following Angela. Angela talked to the man behind the microphone before hopping down back to Fareeha. The man cleared his throat, winking at Angela. She giggled. Hanzo and Jesse walked towards them. Hana was already with Angela. "Did you set it up, Angie?"  Hana asked. "Yeah, she'll be so startled. Can you go ask Jordan if he has instruments and stuff?" She replied. "Already did." Hana said, clicking her tongue.  Angela smiled. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Steakout's seasonal talent show!" Fareeha's eyes lit up. Angela laughed at that, holding Fareeha's hand. Fareeha smiled at Angela. "Thank you." She whispered. Angela nodded. "My name is Jordan and I'll be hosting it this season. I'm assuming everyone has signed up?" He asked. The crowd nodded. "Alright, good. The first one up is.. Adelina!" Fareeha furrowed her brows as the woman in black stepped up to the stage. It was an alright performance. Some magic tricks. "Nice! Next one is.. Fareeha Amari!" Fareeha fixed her tie before hopping onto the stage. "Can I have a guitar and a stool please?" She asked. Jordan nodded, quickly asking 2 men to grab the items for her. "Perfect." She said, sitting down and readjusting the mic. She took a deep breath. Angela smiled. "Let's see what skill she has." Hanzo said, taking a sip of wine. Jesse nodded, taking a sip from Hanzo's wine. She cleared her throat.

I look and stare so deep in your eyes,I touch on you more and more everytime

When you leave, I'm beggin' you not to go

Call your name 2-3 times in a row

It's a funny thing for me to try to explain

How I'm feeling and my pride's the one to blame

'Cause I know I don't understand

How your love can do what no one else can

Got me lookin' so crazy right now, your love's

Got me looking so crazy right now

Got me lookin' so crazy right now, your touch's

Got me lookin' so crazy right now

Got me hopin' you'll page me right now, your kiss'

Got me hopin' you'll save me right now

Lookin' so crazy in love

Got me lookin', Got me lookin' so crazy in love

When I talk to my friends so quietly,

"Who he think he is?" Look at what you did to me

Tennis shoes don't even need to buy a new dress

You ain't there ain't nobody left to impress

It's the way that you know what I thought I knew

It's the beat that my heart skips when I'm with you..

'Cause I still don't understand

Just how your love can do what no one else's can

Got me lookin' so crazy right now, your love's

Got me lookin' so crazy right now..

And there, Fareeha put the guitar down, smiling at the crowd. Angela stared in awe. Fareeha winked at her. Angela did nothing. Hanzo and Jesse were laughing at Angela's reaction. The crowd cheered for Fareeha. Fareeha hopped down, jogging to Angela. "What'd you  think?"  She asked, scratching the back of her head nervously. Angela looked at Fareeha, dead in the eyes. "That.. was beautiful!" She said, jumping to hug Fareeha. Fareeha caught her mid air, laughing. "Thank you, thank you." Hana snickered at Angela's overreaction. Jesse cleared his throat. "Dinner?" He asked, waving a dollar bill at them. Hana gasped. "Finally, I've been dying!" Angela laughed, following the rest. Fareeha zoned out a little. Angela turned, signalling Fareeha to come with her. Angela jogged towards her, taking her hand. "Huh?" Fareeha looked at Angela's eyes. "So pretty.." She mumbled. Angela cracked up. "Mein liebe, you know you said that out loud." She nudged Fareeha. "What?' Fareeha looked away, following Jesse. Angela laughed, following her.

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