Matt the great and romantic

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Chapter 12:

*Amanda's POV*

This hole time that Jessica was gone me and Matt got to know each other and became really good friends but I want to be more than friends...I really want to date. him his perfect, funny, nice and so cute!

We went out for dinner and our ate went a little like this...

He came by and picked me up after magcon so around 9pm.

He brought me out the nicest restaurant, I don't know it was called but it was so fancy!

I wore my flower colourful dress and a little cover up, and some flats. I curled my hair and pinned it!

When he came to the door he looked perfect, his flipped hair, shinning smile and adorable eyes.

We drove a taxi there it was about 10 minutes...

"By the way you look gorgeous"

"Awe thanks Matt. Your look really nice"

"I call you gorgeous, and you say I look nice?"

"Sorry you look handsome! Very handsome! Like always."

"Thank you"

At the end if the date we went to leave and he stopped my at the exit if the restaurant...

He went down on one knee and held out a bracelet,

"I had a really good time tonight Amanda, and I was wondering if we'll do u want to be my girlfriend?"

"Ummm I'll have to think about that"

He looked shocked and kinda upset

"Just kidding yes! A million times yes. Your the perfect guy and you treat me so we'll and yes I will be your girlfriend"

He handed me the bracelet and put it on my wrist.

On the charm it said my name in cursive. It was so cute!!!

I hugged him then it started raining but I didn't care all I wanted to do at that moment was hug him.

The rain came down harder and harder, I look up at this beautiful hazel eyes.

He leaned in and kissed me and I didn't stop him.

This was the perfect after a perfect dinner he asked me to be his girlfriend and then kissed me!

Once the taxi came we got in and drove home, it was great night.

He walked me to my room and kissed me good bye it was only an hour later when Jessica came home and then hayes surprised it was so cute.

And Lexi just stayed home by herself cause she had nothing to do I feel bad ft her but she could have done something

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