We back! !!

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Me: We back and ready for next  dare !!                                                  Pinkey : OMG! !! FINALY NEW DARE!!! Tell what is it about!!!        Me:*giggle* OK Pink and next dare from Optimistic_Mutant_ and it's you four*point at turtles * must wear Disney Princesses outfits!!! And...                                  Guys : There is more ?!?!!                 Me:* laughing * I just wanted to see your reaction!!! Just dress like Disney princesses.                      Raph : Just wear Disney princesses outfits!!!Nothing more!!!                                                 Sunset: Come on Raph it'll be fine, please!!! For me!!                    Raph : OK                                            ~2 minutes later ~

                      Raph : Just wear Disney princesses outfits!!!Nothing more!!!                                                 Sunset: Come on Raph it'll be fine, please!!! For me!!                    Raph : OK                                 ...

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All:*laugh*                                          Raph : Where is them?!
Me:*try to stop laugh* W-who?      Raph : Casey, Slash and Sonic!! Why they didn't come today?!
Me: They luky,  they  patrol city  today. So that's all for today !! Optimistic _Mutant _ thank you for dare!! I don't own TMNT or MLP.  Buy!!!

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