New dares!!!

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Me: Hey!!! How are you doing!! We here and ready for dares!
Donnie: Start!!
Me: Well, OK. First, we got three dares from LadyAddisen. Sonic, you should hug Donnie for 3 hours and Donnie you should like it.
Donnie: I'll try.
Sonic: Fine*walks to Donnie and hugs him*
Rarity: It will take long. Maybe we should do other dares while they doing this?
Me: We can't Rarity.
Rarity: OK.
~three hours later~
Me: OK, you can let go each other.
Sonic: *let's go of Donnie*
Me: And????
Donnie: Well I like it but I would love to get hugs like this from Rarity.
Rarity:*blushing * I would love to do it.
Me: So while this love birds flirting with each other, next dare Sonic and Raph, *whisper* you should prank Donnie.
Donnie: Oh, by the way I have new invention!!! I'll be here in a minute!!*runs away*
Me:*noticed spilled water in the door way* Where did it came fro-
Raph:*whisper* I thing it's a cool prank.
Donnie: I'm he- *runs with something in his hands and slips on water*
Rarity: DONNIE?! *runs up to him and helps up*
Raph/Me/Sonic: *laugh*
Everyone: *gives us a glare*
Me: What? It was a dare!! Sonic and Raph should prank Donnie.
Donnie: It was painful!!!
Raph: Sorry, bro.
Donnie: Fine, what's next?
Me: Next, Rarity you should kiss Donnie on cheek.
Rarity: *walks to Donnie and gives him a kiss on cheek*
Donnie: Thanks for this dare LadyAddisen!!! I love you!! Not as much as Rarity, but I love you and your dare!!
Me: So next, dares from oneofgleeks. First, Fluttershy?
Fluttershy: Yes?
Me: You should wear something to make Slash nous bleed.
Fluttershy: O-ok.
~five minutes later~

Slash:*nous bleeding*Me: OK, next Casey, you should tell about your secret talent

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Slash:*nous bleeding*
Me: OK, next Casey, you should tell about your secret talent.
Casey: Well, I have one. I'm pretty good at drawing.
Me: Wow, that's cool. So next dare. I should sing something that describes my feelings about my  crush. Well, I don't know. Maybe this.

(I love glee version of this song. :))
Sunset: Funny, can we talk after?
Me: OK. So next, Rarity you should sing "Girls just want to have fun" by Cyndi Lauper.
Rarity: Fine.

Me: That was awesome!!!! So last dare again for me. I should tell my plans on future? I can skip it, if I want? Well, it's not like a secret, I just don't understand why you need it.
Twilight: So what is it?
Me: Well, after school, I will go to college to learn to be a teacher of elementary school and after I want to go to learn to be film director. Also I want to have five books bestsellers and find a one special boy or girl.
Everyone: A girl?!
Me: Yes. I'll shock readers and you but I'm bi. So, that's all, thank you for dares and leave them in comments!! Have a nice time, everyone!!!
Everyone: Bye!!!!!!!

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