My friend was kind of really begging me to take buster,she was really upset and torn actually as to actually go to Spain and start a new life but i think her and her husband came to the conclusion that they had to take a chance and do it so they were hoping i would help them out,
She would call me on the phone in tears explaining she loved buster so much and only trusted me to have him and that she would not be able to settle if he went to a stranger if she had to sell him,i felt for her but i also had a big decision to make because although i'd had pets growing up i had never had my own dog since leaving home and i also had to discuss it with my partner.
Anyone who knows me knows i am not impulsive i dont jump head first into things and i think things through before i actually do them so it was never going to be a quick decision but eventually we said yes we would take buster and my friend was elated!,and she could not thank me enough as buster was literally like her baby i'm not even kidding,so yes i was about to be a dog owner and i was a little nervous because buster had known my friend and her husband from being a pup so i worried he would fret.
So it was decided i was taking buster and my friend was giving me everything for him i didn't have to buy a thing,she was giving me his bed cage,tons of food,toys,shampoo,brushes,feeding bowls,you name it i was getting it so it would not cost me a penny until his food eventually runs out in a few months time.
She told me the day her husband would bring him to my home and said sadly she would not be coming with them as it would break her heart walking away from him,i think she made herself scarce when her husband left her house with buster, it can't of been an easy decision for them but as I said they had wanted to go to Spain to live for years and they had both found a home and jobs there too,so all i had to do was await the arrival of buster and just pray he took to us and didn't fret!!!
My Dog
Literatura faktuA book about my dog and other animals I have had growing up as well as hopefully participation from readers with stories about there pets past and present,a must read if you have a love of animals!!also some tough times in my life my dog helped me t...