arcade date

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*bts does not exist in this chapter!*

i don't understand how you're so good at this game, yoongi!" jimin stared incredulously at his boyfriend's score of 98 on the basketball game. tickets poured out of the machine, and yoongi flashed his gummy smile. his mint hair was slightly damp with sweat after playing his favorite game so many times. the white lettering spelling "id rather be sleeping" stood out against his black shirt in the dark arcade, which was lit with various neon lights. truthfully, though, he wouldn't rather be anywhere but with jimin.

"well, jiminie, it probably helps that i play basketball," he replied, shrugging. he stepped a bit closer to his orange-haired boyfriend and straightened his blue floral-patterned tank top. "besides, i wanna get that plushie for you." jimin blushed at that.

his gaze traveled away from yoongi's eyes and to the large stuffed koala behind the prize counter. they needed 1000 tickets, which jimin had thought was impossible. of course, he didn't know yoongi was good at basically every game in the arcade.

"yoongs, yoongs. let's go play air hockey," jimin suggested, eyes lighting up as his eyes landed on the finally free table.

"do you get tickets from that?" yoongi asked, grabbing his boyfriend's hand as they headed over.

"i don't care, i wanna beat you in something!" jimin exclaimed, his competitive nature showing. jimin wasn't very good at many of the games here, but he knew he had skills in air hockey. "besides, we have so many tickets. probably close to 1000 already!"

yoongi giggled, and jimin almost tackled him in a hug. he loved yoongi's giggle. "okay, we'll play. but what if you lose?" yoongi wondered, heading over to the other side of the table.

jimin squinted. "i won't lose," he promised, determination clear in his voice.

yoongi chuckled, dropping two tokens into the machine. "alright, but i gotta warn you, i'm pretty good at this game," he told jimin.

"yeah? well, i'm even better!" jimin scowled, but it was obvious that he was trying not to laugh. his hair flopped into his eyes as he grabbed the yellow paddle in front of him. air whooshed out of the table, and the puck dropped out of jimin's goal. "okay, i got it, let's play!" jimin shouted, excitement written on his face.

the match was heated. both players were clearly very good at air hockey, and the score was 6-6. jimin wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead, and yoongi had clearly done much more exercise than he was used to. jimin was lucky he had started taking dancing lessons again. random kids stopped to watch the game every once in a while, but neither of the boys noticed. the puck flew back and forth, but jimin got the last strike as the puck slipped right by yoongi and into his goal.

"YES!" jimin practically exploded with happiness. yoongi rolled his eyes, but his smile was full of affection. he ran over and kissed yoongi on the cheek. "aren't you proud, minnie?" jimin asked, brushing yoongi's soft mint hair out of his face. yoongi blushed at the pet name.

"of course, chim," yoongi replied, patting his head. their eyes were practically shaped like hearts. then there was a loud cough from behind them. they turned to see a grey-haired man taller and older than both of them, staring down with disdain.

"guys, there are children here," he snapped. yoongi raised an eyebrow, "yeah? i'm sure they see people kiss all the time, it's not like we're doing it on the hockey table."

the man choked, eyes widening. he clearly hadn't expected yoongi to be so forward. he shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. "yes, they see men and women kissing," he sneered. "not people like you."

"i don't know, man, im pretty sure i'm a dude," yoongi replied lazily. jimin stifled his laughter from behind him.

"what's so funny?" the man glared, his attention now on the pale boy's companion. yoongi narrowed his eyes.

"sorry, bro, people like you don't need to be talking to my boyfriend," yoongi hissed, putting his arm around jimin protectively. jimin had a tiny smile on his face as he leaned into yoongi's side. the unknown man's face heated up and he stepped forward, ready to punch yoongi.

jimin caught his fist.

"i don't think so." jimin shoved the man, and although he was more built than jimin, he wasn't expecting that from the small boy in front of him. he lost his balance and fell back.

"RUN!" jimin shouted, yanking yoongi along with him as they ran for the exit.

"hey, get back here, you brats!" the man growled, giving chase.

"wait, wait, jimin, we can't just run, he'll catch up," yoongi panted, already out of breath. "we gotta get help from the ticket booth person."

jimin groaned, but he trusted yoongi to know what to do.
"alright, let's ask him."

they almost crashed into the front of the desk. "hey, uh, seokjin?" yoongi murmured, trying to be quiet as he read the pretty brunette's name tag. "we're coming back there," yoongi informed him before the two boys climbed over. seokjin just stood there in shock.

"this guy's mad at us for being gay and stuff so we need you to do something about that," jimin informed him. seokjin nodded, not saying a word. jimin and yoongi ducked beneath the table just before the man ran up to seokjin.

"hey, uh, you see some kids with orange and green hair run past here?" he questioned, rubbing the back of his neck.

"yeah, i did, actually!" seokjin said with a smile. jimin's breath caught in his throat.

"they ran... uh... i didn't see exactly where they went but i believe they ran out of here and turned left," seokjin lied. he was a great actor.

"cool, thanks for your help!" the man flashed a smile before running off. yoongi and jimin let out the breaths they didn't realize they were holding before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"thanks so much for your help. can i call you jin?" jimin asked the worker.

"sure, and you are?" jin asked the two disheveled boys.

"i'm jimin and this is my boyfriend, yoongi!" jimin said proudly, intertwining their fingers and looking at his partner with love in his eyes. yoongi did the same.

"i'm really sorry about that. i see it all the time," jin muttered. "i'll talk to my manager about showing the tape to the police. can i do anything for you guys?"

"actually..." yoongi pointed to the koala plushie. "i don't know if we have 1000 tickets, but i'm sure we have a close enough amount. can we get that koala?" jimin's eyes lit up. he had forgotten all about the koala.

"yeah, sure!" jin reached up and grabbed the plushie. he handed it to yoongi, who pushed it into jimin's arms. jimin felt safe.

"we'll probably be back some other time. see you then?" yoongi asked seokjin, who gave them a warm grin.

"of course! see you soon," jin promised.

yoongi and jimin left the arcade hand in hand, walking back to their shared apartment a few blocks away.

"even with that interesting experience, i had a lot of fun." jimin leaned his head on yoongi's shoulder before giving him a quick peck, face heating up. yoongi smirked and pressed his lips to jimin's, loving the way he got flustered each time.

"anything's fun if it's with you," yoongi replied. jimin hid his face in his hands.

"you know i really love you?" he told yoongi.

"of course. i love you too."


i hope you liked this first chapter!

p.s. happy birthday, jeongguk ♡

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