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*bts does not exist in this chapter!*

yoonmin w/ a hint of vhope :))

"taehyung, oh my god. look at that dude."

jimin watched the pale stranger with growing interest. taehyung followed jimin's eyes to a man who looked to be about their age, most likely a bit older.

"yeah? what about him?" taehyung wondered, stuffing some french fries into his mouth.

"tae. how can you not see it? he's gorgeous!" jimin exclaimed in amazement.

"jimin, that was so loud that that dude probably heard," taehyung sighed, rolling his eyes. jimin had always been rather boy-crazy.

"i'm so gay," jimin announced.

"we know," taehyung snorted, as if they had been through this hundreds of times. which they had.

the mysterious blonde boy seemed to feel eyes on him and turned, catching jimin's gaze. he smirked, realizing that jimin had been staring, and winked.

jimin almost fainted.

he covered his slowly reddening face with his sweater paws, the biting fall air not helping to take away the blush. taehyung raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of his warm pumpkin spice latte before setting it back down on the wooden picnic table they sat at. he was used to his best friend's antics by now.

"taehyung," jimin breathed out from behind his hands. "he just winked at me."

taehyung glanced over to the admittedly pretty boy, who was now sitting at a different table with his drink, stealing glances at jimin.

"you know, every once in a while, he looks over here at you," taehyung murmured.

"oh my god, tae, i'm really interested by him for some reason. he's just... captivating! i want to talk to him," jimin groaned, knowing he'd never be courageous enough to actually communicate with such a pretty person.

"well, i don't think you have a choice, because he's coming over here right now." taehyung stifled a laugh as jimin's eyes went as wide as saucers. the mysterious boy sat next to him, grinning.

"hey. i'm min yoongi," he introduced himself casually, holding out a hand.

"i'm park jimin," jimin responded, trying not to stutter. he took yoongi's hand and shook. it was rough, but fit jimin's perfectly.

"yeah, so, i'm kim taehyung! i'm jimin's best friend and would like to know what your intentions are," taehyung spoke up, eyes narrowed. jimin's face burned.

"oh, no, i'm sorry, you probably aren't even interested, please don't listen-" jimin apologized quickly, but yoongi cut him off.

"actually, i was wondering if i could get your number? maybe we can meet up sometime," yoongi suggested with a smile.

"o-oh, yeah, that'd be great!" jimin grinned. "can i enter it in your phone?"

"sure." yoongi handed jimin his iphone, and jimin quickly made a contact for himself.

"mind if i take a contact picture?" jimin requested.

"go ahead, can i take one for myself on your phone?"

the two boys exchanged numbers, and eventually yoongi had to go back to work. when he was out of sight, jimin squealed.

"tae, thank you so much for dealing with me. i'm so happy right now, wow," jimin sighed, checking his phone.

"oh my god, look what he put his contact name as," jimin cooed and showed taehyung his screen with the name "yoongs ♡" written.

as min yoongi checked his phone on his way back to his studio, he realized jimin had put his contact name as "chim 💘🌻". cute.

he entered the studio to see his best friend, hoseok, practicing some dance move in front of the mirror wall.

"so, hyung, did you go see your crush and his hot friend?" hoseok inquired. yoongi rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly.

"yeah, actually. i got his number," yoongi replied proudly. "also, his friend seems like your type. maybe we can double date sometime." at that, hoseok's eyes lit up.

"actually, though, you should set him up with me. i'm lonely," hoseok sighed dramatically. yoongi ruffled his hair and went to go upstairs to where his monitor and keyboard were.

"someday. i'm gonna go work on that new song." yoongi acted like he was very motivated, but hoseok saw him subtly reach for his phone. if yoongi was motivated, his phone would be off.

"no, hyung, you're gonna go text that boy when you should be working!" hoseok gasped like was in some cheesy soap opera. yoongi's pale face was tinged with red as he continued to walk up the stairs, ignoring his friend.

"have fun, yoongi hyung!" hoseok called in a singsong voice.

"shut up, hobes," yoongi muttered, a small smile visible on his face.

jimin and yoongi talked for hours.

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