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*bts does not exist in this chapter!*

the same quiet boy walked through the library doors every day. usually he wore black, as if to blend in. he really seemed to not want to stand out in any way. even his hair was black.

he had dark, soft eyes, which made him seem less intimidating. he always glanced at the books, even though he had no intention of actually taking one home. then he'd go and read a book he brought himself.

jimin wanted to talk to him.

today, like every other day that jimin worked, the boy walked in and made a beeline for the same seat he always sat in. he pulled out a book from his backpack, stephen king's it, and began to read. jimin watched him while wishing the boy would just check out a book so jimin could learn his name. the boy seemed to feel jimin's eyes on him, and he looked up quickly, directly into jimin's gaze.

jimin blinked and turned away, embarrassed. his ears burned pink. he thought he saw a small smile on the pale boy's face, but it was gone as fast as it had appeared.

this boy was simply captivating. jimin saw many people each day, no single person quite like the last, but none really grabbing his attention. well, except for the boy with the black clothes.

perhaps it was the fact that the boy was trying so hard not to stand out that had grabbed jimin's attention. jimin seemed to be the opposite. he had bright pink hair and always wore pastel clothes. he loved surrounding himself in happy colors. he certainly wasn't afraid to be himself, no matter what anyone else thought.

jimin paused as he could feel someone watching him. he turned around and locked eyes with the boy who was currently taking up all of jimin's thoughts. the black-haired narrowed his eyes, but didn't look away. jimin raised an eyebrow, and the boy beckoned him over. jimin's eyes widened, but he walked over to where the boy was sitting and sat across from him.

"what's your name? because you come here every day but you never check out a book." jimin started off with the question he had been wondering for what felt like years, but had really only been about a month.

"min yoongi," the boy answered, his voice deeper and rougher than jimin's.

"i see you staring at me every day," he continued, and jimin felt his face heat up. "am i really that interesting?"

"well, min yoongi, i suppose you just caught my eye," jimin stated, tilting his head.

"interesting. well, bubblegum boy, i told you my name. what's yours?" yoongi inquired, dark eyes filled with curiosity. he was beautiful.

"park jimin!" jimin replied with a smile. he had always liked his name.

"you're weirdly enthusiastic for a tuesday afternoon," yoongi said, narrowing his eyes again. "i like your name, though. it matches your personality."

"i'm gonna assume that's a good thing since you said you like it. does that mean you like me?" jimin asked, sounding a bit too hopeful. yoongi laughed, and jimin had to suppress the urge to hug him tight. he showed his gums when he smiled.

"i suppose i like you, park jimin. why does it matter?" he asked, keeping eye contact.

"i've wanted to be friends with you for awhile!" jimin confessed, and he could feel his eyes turn into crescent moons as he grinned. taehyung said they did that a lot.

"oh, yeah? that's good. i'm not that good with the whole friendship thing, though," yoongi muttered sheepishly.

"that's okay! i talk a lot so you won't have to," jimin promised. a small smile found its way onto yoongi's face. this pink-haired boy was making him grin more in this one conversation than he had all year.

"that thing is as thick as a dictionary," jimin said suddenly, pointing at yoongi's all-time favorite book.

"yeah, but i've read it so many times! i never get tired of it," yoongi sighed happily. jimin bit his lip to keep from smiling.

"i've never read it, actually. i think i'd never sleep again!" jimin cried, wiping an imaginary tear.

"so you're a chicken?" yoongi smirked. jimin gasped in mock offense.

"not at all! i'll have you know i'm a gryffindor," he snapped.

"i'm actually a slytherin, though, but gryffindors are brave, so..." jimin trailed off. it was such an awkward sentence and jimin's face was so blank that yoongi lost it. jimin rolled his eyes, but he couldn't stop himself from giggling.

"jimin, we're gonna get along really well," he said as he calmed down, rubbing tears from his eyes.

"yay! i'm a good friend," jimin beamed. yoongi patted his shoulder.

"i'm slytherin too, by the way," he informed the grinning boy.

"cool! an evil duo." jimin rubbed his hands together like a villain from some cheesy movie.

"we can go to the beach and step on someone's sand castle!" yoongi clapped excitedly. jimin gave him a strange look.

"that's... oddly specific?" yoongi shrugged.

"well, an evil person would do that, right?" he pointed out.

"i see why you don't have many friends," jimin teased. yoongi lightly punched him on the arm.

"says my friend," yoongi replied smugly.

"i guess that says a lot about me, huh?" jimin joked, laughing. yoongi just smiled.

jimin glanced at the clock to see half an hour had passed.

"wow, i've been bothering you for a while. i'm supposed to be working, you know," jimin groaned, knowing jeongguk was probably tapping his foot impatiently right about now, as jimin had said he only had to cover for him for five minutes. "i should probably get back to that."

"aw, do you have to?" yoongi pouted, and jimin was sure no one had ever looked cuter.

"yeah, but here, let me give you my number. text me later!" jimin quickly wrote his number on yoongi's arm in the neatest handwriting he'd ever seen.

"okay." yoongi's voice was soft as he began to open his book again. "thanks for talking to me, it was nice to meet you."

jimin showed his eyesmile.

"you too, yoongs!" jimin said happily, even though he wished he could just talk to yoongi for the rest of his shift. he trudged back to front of the library where jeongguk waited. the boy winked at jimin, knowing about his small crush that jimin hadn't even acknowledged. jimin scowled.

"go run and find seokjin, brat," he scoffed, although he had a fond smile on to soften his words. jeongguk blushed and went back to what he was supposed to be doing, neatly placing books onto the shelves. jimin sighed and hoped yoongi would text him later that night.

he did.

i'm writing another book called "love him better", it's yoonmin and not oneshots so if you're into that then go check it out!

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