i'll hold you

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[bts does not exist in this chapter!]

tears fell, dripping off the tip of his nose. they landed with the smallest splash on the clean, white piano keys, some of which were currently resting under min yoongi's shaking fingers. park jimin watched min yoongi cry, wondering how to approach him.

"min yoongi?" jimin almost whispered. he had meant to whisper, actually, just to test the name out. he had never said it before, after all.

min yoongi froze. one of his pale hands reached up to wipe a few tears from his paler face. his was a bit red from crying. park jimin frowned. min yoongi turned slowly, half glad at this distraction.

"w-who are you?" min yoongi choked out. "how do you know my name?"

"min yoongi, i'm hurt you don't remember me," park jimin sighed. "you come here quite often, don't you recognize your favorite employee?"

min yoongi wrinkled his nose.

"how do you know you're my favorite?" he questioned. the unknown boy shrugged.

"i don't know, you usually smile when you see me," jimin responded. yoongi blushed. "i'm
park jimin, but just call me jimin." a memory sparked in yoongi's mind, a memory of the name tag of the cute employee who always seemed to be working at the music store in the mall. yoongi happened to be in the music store at the mall. this boy, jimin, happened to look just like the cute employee. ah, an epiphany.

"oh, i remember you now," yoongi mumbled, his blush still slightly showing.

"yes, i'm the cutest person working in this store, right?" jimin winked, attempting to make yoongi forget about whatever he had been so upset over. yoongi stared at his lap shyly. "how are you liking the piano?"

"ah, it's nice. it reminds me of..." yoongi trailed off, suddenly looking much more downcast. his bottom lip trembled. jimin's eyes widened, and he stepped closer to the blonde boy in front of him.

"hey, you don't have to tell me unless you want to," jimin murmured, voice as smooth as honey. yoongi shut his eyes tight and turned his face in an attempt to hide his tears.

"ah, i don't know if i can do this, but..." jimin moved even closer and slowly brought his arms up to meet yoongi's trembling shoulders. "i'll hold you, okay? you're safe with me."

yoongi's eyes turned into saucers. the cute boy was hugging him. he smelled nice, like clean laundry and sugar cookies. yoongi let his head fall onto jimin's shoulder, tears leaking from his eyes again. jimin rubbed his hand on yoongi's back.

"min yoongi, what's going on?" jimin whispered, feeling himself tear up simply by being this close to a crying person. yoongi shuddered, his breath uneven.

"yoongi, breathe with me, okay?" jimin asked, trying to meet yoongi's reddened eyes. they took deep breaths together, and yoongi slowly calmed down.

"can you tell me why you're crying in the middle of this music store?" jimin requested, a small smile appearing on his soft face. yoongi took a deep breath.

"m-my mom... she's upset at me for something i can't change," he sighed, eyelids feeling heavy.

"why's she upset at you, sweetheart?" jimin pushed gently. his own mother had always told him that talking about your feelings made them hurt less. yoongi swallowed nervously.

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